The dialogue between philosophical schools on the «anthropological principle» in articles by N.G. Chernyshevsky and M.N. Katkov

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The paper deals with the polemics between N.G. Chernyshevsky and M.N. Katkov on P.D. Yurkevich’s article «From the Science of the Human Spirit». In particular, the articles by M.N. Katkov «Old Gods and New Gods» and «Concerning “Polemical Beauties” in “Sovremennik”», published in «Russky Vestnik», and the work by N.G. Chernyshevsky «Polemical Beauties», published in «Sovremennik», are analyzed. By its form, the argument is closer to an altercation than to a scientific discussion, but the essence of the argument between N.G. Chernyshevsky and M.N. Katkov highlighted the philosophical basis for the differences between the theory of Chernyshevsky’s school and the views of M.N. Katkov and P.D. Yurkevich. The paper notes that the principle of partisanship in philosophy cannot be reduced only to the ontological division of thinkers into materialists and idealists, but also implies the epistemological distinction between monism and dualism. The discussion between M.N. Katkov and N.G. Chernyshevsky is considered as the special in which the universal is reflected. In other words, the episodic dispute between M.N. Katkov and N.G. Chernyshevsky expresses the main essence of the whole discussion of the 1860s on the anthropological principle. The paper outlines possible ways of overcoming the situation in which two unconnected monologues are conducted under the guise of a dialogue as well as offers the prospects for a philosophical dialogue between representatives of different philosophical schools and different points of view on fundamental questions of ontology and gnoseology. It is noted that in the 19th century in Russia materialism as a philosophical doctrine was less developed than idealism presented by the German classics, in connection with which this doctrine could be underestimated by opponents.


Dialogue, partisanship in philosophy, materialism, idealism, monism, dualism, anthropological principle

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 147243437   |   DOI: 10.17072/2078-7898/2024-1-5-15

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