Differentiation of universities in Russia: the rotation mechanism

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The aim of this research article is to systematize peculiar features of legal regulations of awarding and dispossession of particular university categories in the Russian higher education system as well as separate advantages received together with a certain category. On the basis of legislation norms analysis the authors for the first time look into the opportunity of rotation procedure for universities with peculiar status, federal universities and national research universities. The research demonstrates the presence of legal basis for rotation procedure only in case of national research universities. Besides that the analysis of legal norms allowed for identifying peculiar features of functioning and financial support of activities of universities under research, including the format of per capita financing.. Identified peculiarities of functioning and preferences of financial support are defined as potential losses incurred by the dispossession of "national research university" category. In the conclusion author formulates recommendation for making decisions concerning the category "national research institution" for all its holders as well as questions for further research in the field of institutional landscape management in the field of higher education in Russia. The article is of interest for higher education management, educational administration bodies and researchers in the field of higher education system development.


Federal universities, national research universities, rotation leading universities, independently develop education standards, normative per capita financing

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/142227163

IDR: 142227163

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