Dynamics of the Buryats population in the areas of major settlement in 1959-2010

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Purpose. In the second half of the 20th century Eastern Siberia witnessed a steady raise of national economy without rapid jumps. Although industry was intensively developing, it did not force any sudden processes as the basis of the industry had already been formed. More attention was paid to social issues, and the urban population increased. Market reforms of the 1990s and restructuring of the administrative system caused deep changes in the following market processes. The background processes of these changes can reveal some peculiarities and qualitative differences of demographic development among particular nationalities in the East of Russia. Due to a lack of demographic research of the Buryats in Soviet and post-Soviet periods, it is important to analyze the dynamics of population among one of the major nationalities in Eastern Siberia, the Buryats, in 1959-2010. The aim of the paper is to reveal factors and conditions that influenced the processes. Results. We have analyzed the demographic processes among the Buryats in 1959-2010 in the Republic of Buryatia, Irkutsk and Transbaikalia. We provide data on the dynamics of the Buryat population, migrations and different factors and conditions that influenced them. Demographic development of the ethnos during the considered period of fifty years had several important differences that resulted in some peculiarities of Buryatia’s market position and social structure. Possible reasons for these changes are provided. One of the main reasons was the fact that in a relatively short period the social structure and economy were transformed under external conditions, and a powerful social sphere equal to that of a developed industrial society appeared. Conclusion. As a result of social and economic processes, Buryatia witnessed a certain decrease in the mortality among the Buryat population, and the birth rate was at the highest level. Such a situation led to rejuvenation of the age structure and a high natural increase in the indigenous population. Further on, the development of the social structure continued in a way of accelerated increase in employees, increased access to education and a raise of urban population, which together with agrarian reforms led to a quick decrease of the birth rate. As a result, the number of the Buryats during 1959-2010-s increased more than the total average for other regions of the country.


The buryats in 1959-2010, ethnical demography, dynamics of number, birth rate, mortality, migrations

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/147219983

IDR: 147219983   |   DOI: 10.25205/1818-7919-2018-17-7-121-134

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