Dynamics of indicators of physical fitness among students of the Russian national guard specialized class when using applied military means of physical education

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Statement of the problem. The article analyzes the need for the purposeful use of applied military physical training exercises for students of specialized classes of the Russian National Guard. The program that students of these classes are currently studying does not meet the requirements of the specifics of the class. It is necessary to prepare a graduate of a specialized class of the Russian National Guard with high indicators of physical fitness and moral qualities. The absence of a coherent scientifically-based system that meets modern requirements does not allow the harmonious development of a person who is able to fully realize his/her needs and value orientations. Now the question is being raised about creating a unified system of education and upbringing in Russia, which could have a great positive effect and serve as an example to follow for contemporary youth. Implementation of the tasks of physical education is determined by the specifics of the class activity, which assumes high physical readiness of students as a factor of their self-confidence and as a factor of bold and decisive actions to curb offenses and various immoral manifestations among their peers. In this regard, physical education has another important function, professionally applied one. It consists in the orientation of young Russian guardsmen to serve in the military, where, as is known, physical training is one of the important components that make up professional fitness. A modern Russian soldier should have a high degree of military professional competence. The need to create a system of continuous military education in the armed forces to train qualified personnel as a guarantor of security for the future of Russia has become clear [Trenogin, 2020]. The purpose of the article is to identify and substantiate the positive impact of applied military exercises (included in the physical education program) on the development of physical qualities of students. The methodology of the study consists of pedagogical observation, generalization of independent characteristics, pedagogical control tests, and mathematical statistics [Falls et al., 2006]. The results of the study. A program using applied military means of physical education is proposed. Experimental confirmation of the effectiveness of the developed program was carried out. The experimental data indicate the positive dynamics of the development of physical fitness of students of the Russian National Guard specialized class.


Military-applied, experiment, strength exercises, dynamics

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/144162888

IDR: 144162888

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