Dynamics of sociopolitical factors in the evolution of intelligentsia within the social structure of society

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This article examines the dynamics of sociopolitical factors influencing the evolution of the intelligentsia within the social structure of society. The author analyzes the impact of various sociopolitical changes on the state and role of the intelligentsia in society over time. By studying historical and contemporary factors shaping the intelligentsia and its interaction with the political environment, the author aims to identify key trends and changes in the role of the intelligentsia in the social structure. The research helps to understand how societal evolution affects the development and status of the intelligentsia, as well as how the intelligentsia shapes and influences political dynamics in society.


Dynamics, socio-political factors, evolution, intelligentsia, societal structure, society, study, influence, changes, role, analysis, trends, political dynamics

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/170203345

IDR: 170203345   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-2-2-29-32

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