Aviation and cosmonautics. Рубрика в журнале - Доклады независимых авторов

A Method and System for Braking of Flying Objects
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A patent presentation is proposed, details of which are given in Appendix 1. The basis of the device is a stub (made in the form of a cable with a metal sheath), released at the time of braking. The stub develops the force of aerodynamic drag in dense layers of the atmosphere. This force is created due to the interaction of atmospheric ions with a charged stub. The strength of this interaction is regulated in depending on the speed of the satellite and the altitude of the flight. Thus, this alows maintaining the permissible overload from impact when entering the dense layers of the atmosphere. The design is such that the kinetic energy of the satellite is converted into the kinetic energy of the interaction of atmospheric ions with a charged stub. In addition, a description of a ground-based experiment that can prove the existence of the physical effect on which the invention is based is described. The authors of the patent invite firms with the appropriate capabilities to participate in this experiment for a certain share of patent rights.

Статья научная
Patent WO / 2019/145942 describes a device for converting an electromagnetic pulse into a mechanical pulse, intended for use in an apparatus for flying in the air and airless environment. The article discusses a detailed theoretical justification of the principle of operation of this device, and then brief user characteristics of the device. Also, an experiment is described that demonstrates the existence of traction in the proposed device. It is shown that the specific thrust of this device is approximately 1000 times greater than the specific thrust of a jet engine. The authors offer cooperation for patenting in various countries and the development of devices for various purposes.