Статьи журнала - Доклады независимых авторов
Все статьи: 838

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The article reviewed a technique of diagnosing and treating gene viral diseases by way of identification and subsequent recovery (repair) of abnormal chromosomes

"Вечный" двигатель второго рода Андреева
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Статья посвящена альтернативному способу получения энергии за счёт охлаждения окружающей среды. В макроскопических устройствах, согласно второму началу термодинамики, это сделать невозможно. Но на микроскопическом, молекулярном уровне это возможно. С точки зрения статистической физики мы опускаемся до таких размеров, когда размер отверстий в мембране сравним с длиной свободного пробега частиц. Это условие накладывает запрет на использования методов статистической физики при расчете взаимодействия мембраны на движение частиц. То есть, второе начало неприменимо к данному двигателю. Принцип работы такого двигателя не противоречит молекулярно-кинетической теории газов. Создание такого двигателя позволит решить проблему загрязнения окружающей среды и глобального потепления

A Method and System for Braking of Flying Objects
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A patent presentation is proposed, details of which are given in Appendix 1. The basis of the device is a stub (made in the form of a cable with a metal sheath), released at the time of braking. The stub develops the force of aerodynamic drag in dense layers of the atmosphere. This force is created due to the interaction of atmospheric ions with a charged stub. The strength of this interaction is regulated in depending on the speed of the satellite and the altitude of the flight. Thus, this alows maintaining the permissible overload from impact when entering the dense layers of the atmosphere. The design is such that the kinetic energy of the satellite is converted into the kinetic energy of the interaction of atmospheric ions with a charged stub. In addition, a description of a ground-based experiment that can prove the existence of the physical effect on which the invention is based is described. The authors of the patent invite firms with the appropriate capabilities to participate in this experiment for a certain share of patent rights.

A Novel Heat Pipeline Design for North and Northwest Continental Urban and Rural Areas
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This article discusses the state of urban and rural heat pipeline networks of various climatic regions. An emphasis is made on vulnerability of the current heat pipeline design, and necessity for some stretch design is being proved. Novel design of various heat pipeline elements is given a fairly detailed consideration; several three-dimensional views of the said elements are also shown. Examples of other countries’ heat pipeline structures are given. The design of the prefabricated elements of the project brought to discussion is not given in full detail. A complete version of the standard-format project (containing parts and units thereof) is available upon potential customers’ request. It is important to note that in addition to hot water supply, that is, heat pipeline’s routine application, the project is specific for its substantial benefits: as related heat-engineering calculation shows, superficial heat loss in the pipeline under discussion is only 23 wt/sq m, 5 times smaller a figure in contrast to that of conventional structures (119 wt/sq m) currently in use. In terms of fuel equivalent (within the price scale of 1999-2000- ies) this enables to cut expenses for per-kilometer extra heat boosting of return network water by $2,000-3,000 annually. Besides, 70-year-long trouble-free operation period is to be taken into consideration, too.

A simple way to determine the sex of oneday poultry chickens (basic principles)
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In this work describe the experiments, which shows the principal possibility to develop cheap computerized optical separator for determining the sex of one-day chickens. This can help to improve the income of poultry industry.

About decoding of "The Stormer Effect"
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The phenomenon stated by C. Stormer is discussed – "The Echo of Short Waves, Which Comes Back in Many Seconds after the Main Signal". The hypothesis about a content radio echo is offered.

Статья научная
It is shown, that change of image of heat and work in open systems entails necessity to revise of conditions of material equilibrium, found by Gibbs. Thus the chemical potential gives way to other potentials in conformity with conditions of unambiguity of researched processes

Alternative to the entropy increase principle
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The principle of entropy increase is discussed in the article from more general positions of thermokinetics as a theory generalizing non-equilibrium thermodynamics to reversible processes. Such an approach reveals the physical meaning of entropy as a thermoimpulse and proves its belonging to the same conserved quantities as the charge, the masses of the components, their impulses, and the quantities of motion. This reveals the inconsistency of the principle of entropy increase and the need to reformulate the 2nd law of thermodynamics without using the concept of entropy. The theory proposes non-entropic criteria of evolution and involution that can reflect the approach of a system to equilibrium or its distance from it for each degree of its freedom. It proves the inevitability of the occurrence of the circulation of matter and the entropy of the universe. The validity of these findings is confirmed by experimental and observational data.

Alternative to the theory of inversible processes
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We propose a thermodynamic theory that does not exclude from consideration any (reversible or irreversible) part of the real processes of energy transfer and conversion. This is achieved by the fact that the main quantities used by the thermodynamics of irreversible processes (TIP) - forces and flows - are found in it not on the basis of the principle of increasing entropy, but from the law of conservation of energy. This way of constructing TIP prevents the occurrence of thermodynamic inequalities and allows one to substantiate all its provisions without invoking the postulates and considerations of a molecular-kinetic and statisticalmechanical nature. This opens up the possibility of further reducing the number of empirical coefficients and expanding the scope of TIP applicability to nonlinear systems and states that are far from equilibrium, as well as to energy conversion processes which are primarily of interest to power engineers, technologists, biophysicists and astrophysicists. At the same time, the unity of the laws of transformation of all forms of energy and the difference between their equations, reciprocity relations and efficiency criteria from the generally accepted ones are proved. On this basis, a theory of similarity of power plants is proposed and their universal load characteristics are constructed, which make it possible to take the next step towards bringing the results of the thermodynamic analysis of their efficiency closer to reality.

Analysis of Energy Processes in Searle's Generator
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The Searle's generator is treated from the point of view of energy transformation processes. On the base of experimental data and heat exchange theory, it is shown that the interaction of constant magnets with the environment may serve as an energy source. Based on this fact a detailed analysis of energy process is performed in this article, with construction of an appropriate differential equation. The methods of its solution are considered, as well as the results of working calculations of the known experimental device.

Are the electron charge and the Planck's constant really constant?
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It is shown that relativistic formulas for time dilation and for dependence of the particles mass on the velocity of their movement, on the one hand, and the quantum-mechanical expression for the energy levels of the hydrogen atom, on the other hand, do not contradict each other only if the Planck constant ℏ is a function of velocity in the form ℏ' = ℏ/(1 ‒ β2), and charges of electron and proton depend on the velocity of their motion according to the law 𝑒' = 𝑒/(1 ‒ β2)1/2. It is noted that the last equality also follows from the well-known formula for electric potential of a point charge moving with a constant velocity. An expression is proposed for the Lagrange function of a charged particle in an electromagnetic field, taking into account the above dependencies.