Medicine. Рубрика в журнале - Доклады независимых авторов

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The article reviewed a technique of diagnosing and treating gene viral diseases by way of identification and subsequent recovery (repair) of abnormal chromosomes

Exploring the Mother-Father-Child Triad: a Fresh Insight on the Roots of Latent Violence
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This work examines the early childhood and pre-natal environment through a collection of multiple biographical and autobiographical resources which, in addition to containing personal memories, reconstruct transgenerational stories of the well-known historical personalities. Numerous works have already emphasized the mother-child dyad; this work emphasizes the importance of the mother-father-child basic triad. By exploring several archetypal cases, this study should also contribute to the understanding of the roots of self-destructive behaviors and the origin of violent feelings and thoughts.

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Diabetes mellitus, and particularly insulin-dependent diabetes (IDD) remains an actual medical problem, both for conventional and naturopathic medicine due to uncertainty of etiology. But etiology of IDD is known. According to naturopathic doctor Hulda Clark, Eurytrema pancreaticum, the pancreatic fluke of cattle causes diabetes. As a proof, I give an example from my own practice. As a homeopath, being armed with radiesthesy, I can eliminate all toxins /parasites /environmental pollutants /pharmacological burdens, etc. doing this even from a distance, without any restrictions. And then transfer homeopathic remedies to patient(s). If I compare the method I use with the Zapper approach (invented by Dr. Clark) the advantages of my proposition are obvious. Homeopathy, in conjunction with radiesthesy, can make any remedy and its potency at a precise and designated moment/day/time

To the rationale for homeopathy
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It is shown that in the water molecules there can exist a bulk standing electromagnetic wave with a frequency of the order of 1017𝑠 ‒ 1. This wave can be modulated by the frequency of natural vibrations of the substances dissolved in it. Then it is shown that on the basis of these facts the main features of homeopathy can be explained, including lack of influence of impurities and enhancement of the therapeutic effect when dilution.

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The article considers the telomere theory which authors were awarded the Nobel Prize in 2009. The aging process is explained from the point of view of Information-Wave Medicine (IWM). The aging program is shown to be a multi-level genetic structure controlled by the body’s internal biological clock