Meteorology. Рубрика в журнале - Доклады независимых авторов

The idea of manage tornado through the technology of «atmospheric magnetic bubbles»
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The present situation with phenomenon tornado research is allow make predictions through meteorological forecast, which have warning time between 1 and 3 hours only. In the modern theory not take into account of influence Earth’s magnetic field structure to form tornado at all and theirs open field lines in partially. Author proposes to create new technology of «atmospheric magnetic bubbles» to make tornado tame, the atmosphere cleaning and managing of global climate changing. By author’s opinion this technology using material results could be achieved in middle-time outlook even (from 12 to 24 months). Prior beliefs for that are created simulation tornado models as well deployed networks of weather forecast and weather observation. To create and development the technology author looks for investors. Approximate cost could be about $1.200.000 (one million two hundreds thousands US dollars). Cover of these investments could be calculating as percentage from tornado damages prevention service. Because annual losses from tornado are calculated as several billions US dollars, thus annual profit for investors after develop the technology could be about hundreds millions US dollars as minimum. But if take into account this longtime outlook (or more then 24 months after the technology using), additional profit increasing could be between 30% and 50%.