Does glycine betaine and salicylic acid ameliorate the negative effect of drought on wheat by regulating osmotic adjustment through solutes accumulation?

Автор: Aldesuquy Heshmat S., Abbas Mohamed A., Abo-hamed Samy A., Elhakem Abeer H.

Журнал: Журнал стресс-физиологии и биохимии @jspb

Статья в выпуске: 3 т.9, 2013 года.

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A pot experiment was conducted to evaluate the beneficial effect of foliar application of glycine betaine (10mM), grain presoaking in salicylic acid (0.05 M) and their interaction on drought tolerance of two wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars (sensitive, Sakha 94 and resistant, Sakha 93). Osmotic pressure, some osmolytes concentration and grain yield were determined. Water stress caused an increase in osmotic pressure, proline, total soluble nitrogen, total soluble sugars, organic acids, ions (Na +, K +, Ca +2, Mg +2 and Cl -) content as well as Na +/K + ratio in cell sap flag leaves of both wheat cultivars. The resistant variety had higher values of osmotic pressure, proline, organic acids and ions content than the sensitive one. On the other hand, water stress induced marked decrease (P


Triticum aestivum l, drought, glycine betaine, osmolytes, salicylic acid, yield

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IDR: 14323786

Список литературы Does glycine betaine and salicylic acid ameliorate the negative effect of drought on wheat by regulating osmotic adjustment through solutes accumulation?

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