Does smart home have wide open doors? MQTT communication protocol standardization - potential missing ring of the IoT networks security chain

Автор: Ivan Sćepanović, Vesna Sćepanović

Журнал: Social Informatics Journal @socialinformaticsjournal

Статья в выпуске: 1 vol.1, 2022 года.

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This paper pointed out the benefits as well as the security risk that is the result of inconsistencies of software applications from different manufacturers and the lack of standards in IoT devices networks. Message Queue Telemetry Transport (MQTT) is now one of the most used open protocols in the Internet of Things. The term IoT is often followed by a great enthusiasm of researchers. End-users also share the same sentiment, ignoring the security risks that arise from dropping and reconnecting IoT devices that very often send passwords to server in plain text, while manufacturers often remain silently indifferent. They primary put focus on profitability, but not on safety. In other words, the door on smart homes remains wide open for hackers. This paper gives an overview of one potential solution of the Internet of Things security problem.


Internet of Things, MQTT Communication Protocol, Security Risks, Standardization

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IDR: 170203988   |   DOI: 10.58898/sij.v1i1.23-29

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