The report by N.M. Rogozhin « Sources and techniques for compiling embassy books of the early 17th century» in the Archives of Russian Academy of Sciences

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The article is based on the report by a junior researcher N.M. Rogozhin on the topic «Sources and techniques for compiling embassy books of the beginning of the XVII century», with which he joined at a meeting of the sector of source studies of the history of the USSR of the pre-October period of the Institute of the history of the USSR. The Institute was attached to the Department of History of the Academy of sciences of the USSR. The report is part of the Institute's office documentation preserved in the Archives of Russian Academy of sciences. The report reveals the structure and content of Rogozhin's PhD dissertation.

The archives of russian academy of sciences, office documentation, the report by n.m. rogozhin, the sector of source studies of the pre-october period, the institute of the history of the ussr, embassy books, russian-persian relations, minutes of meetings, employee roadmap


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IDR: 170206868   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-10-1-32-34

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