Trust as an institutional problem of higher education

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The article is devoted to relevant but little explored topic of incision trust in the field of higher education. Theoretical analysis of trust as a social phenomenon was conducted first of all by sociological sciences serious methodological instruments of which were barely involved in complex research in his area in terms of educational institutions. The article is based on the analysis of the data received during sociological research «Formation of Russian nonlinear higher education model in the region in the context of economic and social volatility». Using broad empirical basis of sociological research on Ural Federal Area, the authors aim at providing a precise description of specific manifestations of trust/distrust culture in social interaction of Russian higher education actors in the context of relevant university changes. The research is devoted to identifying the nature of interaction between educational communities (lecturers, students, educational management representatives), defining their attitude to educational policy at different levels (from federal to local). The article presents results of mass polls for lecturers (2017; N=810, quota selection) and students (2017; N=1860, quota selection) conducted in Ural Federal Area. Overall coverage was 51 university of Ural Federal Area. Selection was made on the basis of statistic data on UrFA educational communities, in each region quotas were based on training area. As part of methodological basis of institutional trust in higher education system empirical analysis authors use heretical ideas by P. Sztompka, saying that in the context of higher education institution transformation the greatest risks related to dysfunctionality of ongoing reforms are related to higher education actors distrust that can occur in different intra- and inter-institutional relations. The publication presents data demonstrating the trends of forming distrust culture which as a latent factor causes dysfunctional institutional changes in educational sphere. The authors analyze the nature of forming institutional trust in university community by means of actualizing trust relations between management, public associations, professional community of lecturers and students. The institutional trust characteristics identified during the research open perspectives for further research into the process of forming trust in university community, searching such corporate management forms that would facilitate overcoming the barriers hindering interiorization (acceptance) of new ideas aimed at improving higher education system, development of competitive universities, professional and personal growth of all educational activities participants by all actors. Practical importance of the research is determined by the fact that the received sociological data allow for determining areas in university management system and require practical solutions for the problems marked by the researchers. The authors’ conclusions can help in determining methodological approaches by altering and applying practical experience that already exists in his area. Novelty and originality of the article is in the fact that the problem of institutional trust in higher education system is for the first time articulated as a field for research and practical activities in terms of implementing managerial strategies at individual universities. The problem of trust between main educational communities: lecturers, researchers and students is not considered in planning and implementing changes by different levels of higher education management in our country. Underestimation and wrong vision of this aspect by those in charge of making and implementing managerial decisions in the context of university reform largely explains inefficacy of reforms at Russian universities.


Trust, culture of trust, higher education, social institution, development of universities

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IDR: 142227223

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