Wood resources of the region in the natural capital accounting system

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Forest resources of the Komi Republic play a basic role in the economy of the region, however, excessive felling in the traditional "forest" areas of the republic in recent decades, as well as an inefficient reforestation system, have led to significant degradation of forest ecosystems, in which the proportion of high-quality wood has significantly decreased, primarily sawmill and plywood raw materials. The relevance of the topic lies in the fact that traditional domestic approaches to assessing the natural capital of forests are not able to adequately indicate the structural state of forests and the degree of degradation of forest ecosystems. In this article, the system of natural capital accounting is considered in terms of accounting features of wood resources for the territory of a forest-sufficient region. Methodological schemes of wood resources accounting are analyzed on the example of some countries and enterprises for which the spatial aspect is important. The possibilities and limitations of using foreign approaches for testing in practice of the Komi Republic are revealed. A scheme for assessing the wood resources of the region is proposed, the choice of parameters and indicators for such an assessment is substantiated, considering the existing domestic information base.


Wood resources, national and corporate accounting, physical and monetary assessment, ecosystem accounts

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/149140485

IDR: 149140485   |   DOI: 10.19110/1994-5655-2022-3-47-55

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