Ancient Turkish runic inscriptions of Tuva: timing and ethnic belonging

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Purpose. To analyze the texts of runic inscriptions spread in Central Asia in order to determine the regions where ancient Turkic peoples used to stay on the territory of Tuva in the Middle Ages. Results. After studying and interpreting the texts of ancient Turkic runic inscriptions discovered in Central Asia, the author identified the ethnic origin of the monuments with such inscriptions on the territory of modern Tuva. Statistical evidence of the initial location of such runic monuments in Tuva makes it possible to divide them according to their location, such as the right bank of the River Ulug-Khem, the right bank of the River Khemchik, the valley of the River Chaa-Khol’, and the left bank of the River Ulug-Khem. In each of the locations the author fixed the names of the peoples who inhabited them in the ancient Turkic epoch, which were fixed on the stellas. The text analysis of the inscriptions found on the right bank of the River Ulug-Khem and their interpretation made it possible to state that the territory used to be inhabited by the Azs, Chiks, Kyumyuls and other tribes whose allies were the Yenisei Kyrgyzes. Majority of researchers trace this identification to the rituals of cremation and grave burial without a horse in the pit under a rounded rock barrow. The texts of the runic monuments on the left bank of the River Ulug-Khem and the right bank of the River Khemchik state that the monuments were erected in honor of the heroes of these peoples, namely the Ediz, Uigur and «six tribes». Results of works of archaeological expeditions under the leadership of S. I. Weinstein in 1957-1958, when medieval ancient settlements of Tuva were investigated, confirm the data of runic inscriptions about a difficult ethno-political situation in this region of Central Asia during the ancient Turkic epoch. The fortification constructions starting from the Elegest strong point in the east, built as a line and called «Chingis-Haan road» by the Tuvinians, to the ancient settlement Malgash-Bazhyn (village of Iyme) in the west, made a uniform system of fortifications against the peoples living on the right bank of the River Ulug-Khem and the left bank of the River Khemchik. According to S. I. Weinstein, this defensive complex was intended to protect Uigur possessions against attacks of the Yenisei Kyrgyzes. Judging from the data of inscriptions in basins of the rivers Ulug-Khem and Khemchik, we assume that the defensive complex protected the Uigurs not only from attacks by the Yenisei Kyrgyzes, but also from the peoples identified as Az, Kyumyul, Chik and others. Monuments with Yenisei runic writings on the right bank of the Khemchik and the left bank of the Ulug-Khem confirm our point of view that during the ancient Turkic epoch the territory of Tuva was divided between such peoples as the Kyrgyz, Az, Chik and others, who occupied the areas on the Northern side from the bed of these rivers, with both the ancient Turkic peoples and the Tokuz-Oguzes living to the south from their opponents. We consider that the funeral monuments that were located on the Southern side of the bed of the rivers Ulug-Khem and Khemchik and were previously attributed as belonging to ancient Turkic peoples belonged to the Tokuz-Oguzes. Archaeological monuments of their opponents are located on the opposite side from the bed of these rivers. The ethno-political situation on the territory of Tuva was difficult at the time of the II East Turkic and Uigur khanates. The alliance of nomadic people «Alty bag budun», who occupied some regions of Northern Tuva in the union with the Yenisei Kyrgyz of Minusinsk Depression, was in war with ancient Turkic peoples and the Tokuz-Oguzes, who erected a defensive complex on the coast and at the fork of two big rivers, the Ulug-Khem and the Khemchik. Conclusion. The author of the article revealed a specific regularity in propagation and location of the runic inscriptions belonging to the ancient Turkic peoples of Tuva and identified the territorial boundaries of the regions where they used to stay. The study showed that the monuments of such peoples as the Azs, Chiks and Kyrgyzes were concentrated in Northern Tuva. As for Southern Tuva, the region is rich in monuments of the ancient Turks and Tokuz-Oguzes (Edizs, Uigurs, etc.) Thus, ancient Turkish objects are common on the territories to the south of the riverbeds of the River Ulug-Khem and the River Khemchik.


Tuva, river ulug-khem, ancient turkic epoch, runic inscriptions, epitaph, ancient turks, tokuz-oguz, uigurs, river khemchik, az

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IDR: 147219582

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