Drug policy in Hungary: current trends and future prospects

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The authors consider the theoretical and applied problems of preventing illicit traffic in drugs and psychotropic substances in Hungary in the legal and criminological aspects. The relevance of the study is determined by the fact that the Hungary's third drug strategy expires in 2020 (2013-2020), so a new strategy needs to be developed, but it is not yet known what guidelines it will have, what priorities will be offered to set in it.The study was conducted with a view to considering the legal framework for the prevention of illicit traffic of drugs and psychotropic substances and the problem of its improvement in Hungary. To achieve this goal, the authors analysed statistics on drug use, types and quantity of drugs seized by law enforcement agencies for the last five years. The authors give a description of the drug situation, territorial features of drug use and a multilevel system of measures to counter illegal traffic in drugs and psychotropic substances at the national level. The authors pay special attention to the age and gender characteristics of drug use, which makes it possible to identify the most vulnerable groups, which should be supported by state preventive programs. The authors also analysed data on mortality from drug use and concluded that from 2010 onwards methadone and other non-opiate drugs predominated in death.Based on the results of the study, current trends in drug use in Hungary were summarized. The results obtained are important for the development of an anti-drug strategy and the improvement of legislation, as well as for the prevention of law enforcement agencies, both Hungary and other European countries.


Drug use, drug prohibition, drug policy, criminalisation, hungary

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/143172771

IDR: 143172771   |   DOI: 10.19073/2658-7602-2020-17-4-485-494

Список литературы Drug policy in Hungary: current trends and future prospects

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