Movement as a part of the investigative mechanism

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Ntroduction: In developing theoretical provisions on criminal activity, forensic scientists have long had such a tool as the doctrine of the crime mechanism or the mechanism of criminal activity. However, human activities aimed at establishing the truth about the crime, as one of the two main components of the dichotomous object of forensic science, were not considered in detail as a mechanism. The article considers one aspect of this phenomenon, which is not sufficiently detailed in forensic science, as a mechanism for investigating a crime. Materials and methods: the materials for the study were the results of research by famous scientists in the field of criminology, criminal procedure law, criminology, system theory, as well as their own developments of both theoretical and empirical nature. In addition to such methods as universal, general dialectical method of scientific cognition, methods of legal analysis, logical deduction, induction, cognitive methods and methods of observation, comparison, analysis, generalization and description, special methods characteristic of the features of the subject under study, such as system-object, system-functional, were used. The interdisciplinary nature of the object of forensic research makes it possible in this case to resort to methods developed in the general theory of systems. The results of the study: the research undertaken made it possible to describe in sufficient detail, as far as possible within the framework of this form of publication, the operational aspect of the investigation mechanism, its mobile nature, distinguishing this phenomenon from another kind of systems, some of which have a purely static shape. Findings and Conclusions: logically completed result of this article is an additional confirmation of the thesis that it is necessary to consider the investigation mechanism as a mobile phenomenon, the basis of which is the property of the elements of the system laid down in it to change itself and change the objects interacting with them.


Mechanism of crime investigation, elements of mechanism of crime investigation, functional system, function of system element, mechanism of criminal activity, forms of movement

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 143178202   |   DOI: 10.24412/2312-3184-2021-4-202-211

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