Early diagnosis and prevention of women with cystic drift

Автор: Amanov Akmaljon Karimjon Ugli, Tylokova Mushtari Bakhodirovna, Subkhanov Ulugbek Zhurakulovich, Karimova Mavluda Nematovna, Esankulova Bustonoi Sobirovna, Yuldasheva Aziza Nodirzhonovna, Nizamova Iqbola Bakhtir Kizi

Журнал: Re-health journal.

Рубрика: Акушерство и гинекология

Статья в выпуске: 4 (8), 2020 года.

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Cystic drift is one of the leading gynecological diseases, and the number of patients with this disease is growing every year. In recent years, the age of women with cystic drift is much younger, and the average age of onset of the disease is 21-39 years. Around the world there are 126 million child birth per year. 126 000 of these get sick with cystic drift or chorionic cancer. Since trophoblastic diseases are now more common in women of reproductive age, they cause infertility, disability, stress and even death in women. When studying the prevalence of the disease, cystic drift is higher among rural women than among urban women. This is due to the large number of rural population and the large number of pregnancies among rural women.


Hydatidiform mole, chorionic carcinoma, chemotherapy, reproductive age, monochemotherapy

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/14125605

IDR: 14125605   |   DOI: 10.24411/2181-0443/2020-10158

Список литературы Early diagnosis and prevention of women with cystic drift

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