Econometric analysis of the factors in the regression model to predict the market value of diversified portfolio of stocks

Автор: Solovyev K.

Журнал: Экономика и социум @ekonomika-socium

Рубрика: Основной раздел

Статья в выпуске: 3 (34), 2017 года.

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The article analyzes practical applicability of econometric approach on evaluation of variable factors used to forecast the market price of securities.Usedmacroeconomicdataistestedtoidentifytheiradequacyforpredictionofpriceofadiversifiedstockportfolio.

Dow jones industrial average, econometric model, regression, least square method, brent crude, real gdp of usa, fdi, effective federal funds rate, нефть марки brent

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IDR: 140124642

Список литературы Econometric analysis of the factors in the regression model to predict the market value of diversified portfolio of stocks

  • Suslov M., Tregub I., Modeling the currency exchange rate. Methods and principles//Economics -2015 № 1 p. 67 -70.
  • The World Bank Database URL:
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