Economic, social and cultural aspects of creative industries – literature review
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This paper provides a comprehensive literature review of creative industries, focusing on their development, challenges, and opportunities. The analysis examines existing research on the role of creative industries in economic growth, cultural development, and social innovation. It high-lights the unique characteristics of the Serbian creative sector, including its historical background, current trends, and the impact of digital transfor-mation. Furthermore, the review identifies key stakeholders, policy frame-works, and the potential for international collaboration to enhance the com-petitiveness of Serbian creative industries. By synthesizing existing litera-ture, this paper aims to contribute to a deeper understanding of the creative economy in Serbia and to inform future research and policy-making.
Creative industries, literature review, Serbia, economic growth, cultural development, digital transformation, social innovation, policy fra-meworks
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IDR: 170206239 | DOI: 10.5937/ekonsig2402041D
Список литературы Economic, social and cultural aspects of creative industries – literature review
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