Economic space and economic distance: relationship between transport and spatial structures

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This work investigates the complex interaction between transportation networks and geographical structures, with a focus on the concepts of economic space and economic distance. It explores how transportation influences spatial organization and economic activity, emphasizing the delicate balance between accessibility and spatial development. By analyzing various dimensions of this relationship, the work aims to provide deeper insights into how transportation networks shape spatial structures and economic activities. It highlights the challenges and potential for attaining sustainable growth through efficient transportation planning and spatial development methods. The analysis aims to provide a more comprehensive understanding of the relationship between transportation infrastructure and geographical organization, ultimately providing significant insights on how to promote sustainable and balanced growth in urban and regional contexts.


Economic space, economic distance, transportation, spatial structures, accessibility, economic activities, spatial development

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IDR: 170205466   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-6-3-27-31

Список литературы Economic space and economic distance: relationship between transport and spatial structures

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