Effect of methyl violet to mulberry silkworm some breeds eggs

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To liquidate the larvae, the methyl violet (C24H28N3Cl), used against fungal diseases in fish farming, was used. The goal is to establish physiological responses in different phases of development after treating local and introduced mulberry silkworm breeds of with aqueous solutions of methyl violet. Exogenous exposure to eggs led to the formation of a negative reaction. It has been established that treatment of silkworm eggs with water and a 0.001% solution of methyl violet (from October 20 to November 15, 2018) reduces the weight of the silk layer of cocoons with statistical accuracy by 33.0% (-78.5 mg) and 22.5% (-49 .0 mg) respectively (p


Silkworm eggs, silk layer, methyl violet, mulberry silkworm breeds

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/14130451

IDR: 14130451   |   DOI: 10.33619/2414-2948/102/27

Список литературы Effect of methyl violet to mulberry silkworm some breeds eggs

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