Effect of temperature on some biological indicators of Cydia pomonella linnaeus, 1758

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In 2022-2023 The influence of temperature on the development and reproduction of the codling moth butterfly was studied. Experiments have shown that the optimal temperature regime for mass reproduction of the codling moth in laboratory conditions is within 20-25°C. At low temperatures (15°C), butterflies live 34-35 days, and some individuals can live up to 45-50 days. This shows that these characteristics of butterflies allow them to remain viable in an unfavorable environment, although their reproduction is reduced. The experiments carried out make it possible to obtain the necessary temperature parameters for the development of fruit-eating apple trees.


Codling moth, development, ontogenesis, reproduction

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/14130229

IDR: 14130229   |   DOI: 10.33619/2414-2948/104/16

Список литературы Effect of temperature on some biological indicators of Cydia pomonella linnaeus, 1758

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