Effect on soybean growth of sowing time and fertilizers

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Soybean also increases soil fertility by absorbing atmospheric nitrogen through its roots. The purpose in conducting research is to increase the fertility of irrigated gray-brown (chestnut) soils in the Ganja-Kazakh region. It consists of determining the optimal sowing time, sowing scheme, and fertilizer norms that ensure water absorption for ensuring high quality. Field experiments were conducted in 2013-2015 on the basis of the central experimental base of the Azerbaijan Scientific-Research Cotton Institute on irrigated gray-brown (chestnut) soils. Field experiments were carried out in 3 single rows with soybean variety Umanskaya 1, sowing was carried out on April 1-5, April 10-15, and April 20-25. With a total area of 54.0 m2 (30×1.80 m) for each variant, 20, 30, and 60 kg of germinating seeds per hectare were sown in 3 sowing schemes of 45×5 cm, 45×10 cm, and 45×15 cm. Phenological observations were made on 25 plants, and agrotechnical measures were carried out in accordance with the rules adopted for the region. Thus, nutrient content, sowing time, and manure fertilizer norms have a significant effect on soybean height. When the optimal sowing period of soybeans was carried out on April 10-15, in all three sowing schemes, the plant height increased compared to early and late sowing (April 1-5 and 20-25) in all variants. The best results were obtained in the variant of manure 10 t/ha + N60P90K60, the reduced and increased norms of mineral fertilizers did not affect the soybean length much.


Sowing, soybean, growth, gray-brown soil, planting dates, fertilizers

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/14120536

IDR: 14120536   |   DOI: 10.33619/2414-2948/66/15

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