Efficiency of heprocels the treatment of patients with deep burns
Автор: Saliev G.Z.
Журнал: Экономика и социум @ekonomika-socium
Рубрика: Основной раздел
Статья в выпуске: 12-1 (91), 2021 года.
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Relevance. Thermal damage poses a serious medical, social and economic problem. The development ofheavy industry and the chemical industry, as well as the widespread use of electricity in everyday life and industry, willcontribute to a significant increase in burn injuries. Purpose of the study.Improving the results of early necrectomy usingautodermoplasty in patients with burns using the local hemostatic agent "Heprocel".Materials and methods. The work isbased on the analysis of the results of treatment of 35 victims (37 women and 68 men) aged 18 to 75 years, who weretreated at the Department of Comustology of the Samarkand branch of the Republican Scientific Center for EmergencyMedicine. the average age of the patients was 39 years. In most cases, the injury was caused by fire, burning with boilingwater, and contact burns were also observed.Results. Our studies have shown that early surgical necrectomy andobtaining isolated autographs from donor sites are performed after blood loss (6-10 ml of blood per 100 cm2 area) andthe use of Heprocel hemostatic powder. When the wound defect was closed, the donor machine lid showed good adhesionto the subcutaneous wound. Conclusions. A single application of the hemostatic preparation heprocel to the wound afternecrectomyensures fastadhesion of thesutureduring autodermoplasty,ensuring fastand completeadhesionof theskin.
Heprocel, necrectomy, hemostaticagents(gv), autodermoplasty(adp), disseminated intravenoussyndrome(dic)
Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/140289027
IDR: 140289027 | DOI: 10.46566/2225-1545_2021_1_91_542
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