“His appearance at the department caused an explosion of applause…” professor of Kazan Theological Academy K. G. Grigoriev (1875-1933)

Автор: Larionov D.S.

Журнал: Христианское чтение @christian-reading

Рубрика: История России и Русской Церкви

Статья в выпуске: 1 (108), 2024 года.

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The article speaks about Professor Konstantin Grigorievich Grigoriev (1875-1933), who left a bright mark on the history of Kazan Theological Academy as a lecturer in fundamental theology, and one of the editors of the journal “Church and Public Life” (1905-1907), as an author of numerous articles in academic journals, a member of the Academy Council, and a public figure. Highlighted is his aspiration to constantly improve the quality of his apologetic work, shown not only in his special interest in philosophy, but also in acquiring a necessary stock of natural science knowledge required for the full development of the issues regarding theology-science relationship. There is special emphasis on the high authority of Professor K. G. Grigoriev among the students of the Academy. The conclusion says that the article is sure to be a starting point for further in-depth studies of the state of scholarly and academic activities at Kazan Theological Academy at the beginning of the 20th century and up to its closure.


Konstantin grigorievich grigoriev, kazan theological academy, theology, fundamental theology, “church and public life”, history of theological education, history of the russian church

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/140305483

IDR: 140305483   |   DOI: 10.47132/1814-5574_2024_1_302

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