Economic politics of the European Union

Автор: Marković Slobodan, Lazić Biljana

Журнал: Pravo - teorija i praksa @pravni-fakultet

Рубрика: Current topic

Статья в выпуске: 1-2 vol.26, 2009 года.

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The European Union has initiated the most various reactions since its beginning, especially in our country, where the question of joining to the Union is becoming more and more important. The opinions are numerous and very confrontation, so there appears the necessity of studying the key characteristics and ways of functioning of this powerful international union. We are free to say that the European Union represents one of the most developed and successfully realized forms of both economic and political integration in the world. It is necessary to emphasize that the Union has passed a very long and exhausting way of its own development, that it has invested a lot of money and undertaken many activities in order to gain today's position in the world. In the futurity there will be further expansion of the European Union, then joining new member countries and constant strengthening of mutual cooperation and connections. It is interesting that member countries have accepted common goals propagated by the Union, agreed with unification of their own politics and inclined to an overnational interest. In further course of this paperwork we will remind ourselves of the main characteristics of the European Union, its member countries and phases in the process of its spreading out. Then, we will in details elaborate the system of common economic politics whose realization brings the Union the accomplishment of its own goals as well as single, national goals and interests of its member countries. We will get known with basic partial politics in the system of common economic politics of the European Union, as well as with the instruments of their realization. In our final consideration we will point out the perspectives of the Union's further development and its great importance in global world courses.


European Union, international integration, common economic politics, partial politics, common goals, common interests

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