Employment crisis or crisis of employment

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That we are facing an employment crisis cannot be doubted - and it is equally unquestionable that we are confronted with the simple necessity of ‘creating jobs’. It is also without any doubt that we need to look at employment issues as matter of ‘social security’. However, looking at precarity in the context of the overall political-economic development of national and global economy, urges us to shift attention towards understanding the crisis as one of a macro-economic model that is founded in employment. In this light, the presentation will outline some considerations on major changes

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/143182099

IDR: 143182099

Список литературы Employment crisis or crisis of employment

  • Aglietta, Michel, 1976: A Theory of Capitalist Regulation; London: Verso.
  • Beck, Wolfgang/van der Maesen, Laurent/Walker, Alan, 2012: Theoretical Foundations; in: Social Quality. From Theory to Indicators; Laurent J.G. van der Maesen/Alan Walker (eds.); Houndsmills/New York: Palgrave MacMillan; 44-69.
  • Bloch, Ernst, 1959: Prinzip Hoffnung; Frankfurt/M: Suhrkamp [written in 1938-1947; reviewed 1953 and 1959].
  • Boccara, Paul, 2010: La crise systémique: une crise de civilisation. Ses perspectives pour avancer vers une nouvelle civilisation; note de la Fondation Gabriel Péri.
  • Castel, Robert, 1995: Les Métamorphoses de la Question Sociale. Une Chronique du Salariat; Paris: Libraire Arthème Fayard.
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