Employment risks for households with children: expert assessments in the new conditions of Russia’s development

Автор: Odintsova E.V.

Журнал: Economic and Social Changes: Facts, Trends, Forecast @volnc-esc-en

Рубрика: Social and economic development

Статья в выпуске: 4 т.17, 2024 года.

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The work investigates employment risks for households with children in the new conditions of Russia’s development amid the special military operation, unprecedented external sanctions pressure at the stage of transition to the country’s sovereign development. The study is based on the findings obtained during a specially organized expert survey in 2023, the data of which were supplemented by an analysis of the results of monitoring state and non-state surveys and other sources. The work reveals and ranks, taking into account their importance, groups of risks in the field of employment, identified from the point of view of the “contour” of their conditioning (internal risks, related to the ongoing special military operation, and external risks). We name specific risks in the field of employment that can lead to a decrease in the level and quality of employment (including a decrease in income) in households with children and, as a result, a decline in their standard of living; these risks are ranked in terms of relevance. The obtained research results may be in demand for the development of state policy in relation to families with children, employment policy, and improving the standard of living, including within the framework of the national project “Family” and other long-term program-targeted and integrated management tools. Directions for further research are related to supplementing the list of identified risks and in-depth studies of their “carriers” (socio-demographic and other features) in households with children, the impact of risks, taking into account the concentration of risks and the number of their “carriers” on the employment situation and standard of living in various types of households.


Households with children, employment risks, employment level, quality of employment, income from employment, standard of living

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/147245867

IDR: 147245867   |   DOI: 10.15838/esc.2024.4.94.13

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