Entrepreneurial Development of "Ojek Sampah" (OJAH) through Android Applications

Автор: Yosua Damas Sadewo, Pebria Dheni Purnasari

Журнал: International Journal of Information Engineering and Electronic Business @ijieeb

Статья в выпуске: 4 vol.13, 2021 года.

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The purpose of this research is to develop application-based "Ojah" entrepreneurship. This research will be conducted using the type of Research and Development. The entrepreneurship of the "Ojah" has been developed in an application that will become a medium for collecting waste. Data collection that will be used in this research is to use (1) Observation, which will be carried out for the maintenance of the development process and product testing (2) validation sheets, used as instruments in testing, and validation of the developed product (3) The questionnaire given to the public or users of the "Ojah" application to see the characteristics from the application used, a satisfaction questionnaire will also be used to measure the effectiveness of the resulting product (4) Field notes that are carried out simultaneously with the implementation of product trials that contain things that happened during the trial product; (5) Documentation that includes images or photographs during the research development being carried out. The results of the research show evidence that the development of the "Ojah" application. The results showed that the development of the android application-based garbage motorcycle taxi business showed measurable success through assessments conducted by several parties, including media experts, entrepreneurship experts, and users of android app-based "Ojah" services. Validation results by media experts and entrepreneurial experts showed that both businesses and applications developed to support The "Ojah" business are in a decent category. The validity score given by expert validators is 86.6 from entrepreneurial experts. In contrast, media experts provide an assessment of 84.24. Based on limited scale trials, the android-based "Ojah" application has characteristics that deserve to use in terms of practicality, use, service, and completeness, with a feasibility score of 77.35.


Entrepreneurship Development, Garbage Ojek, Applications

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/15017788

IDR: 15017788   |   DOI: 10.5815/ijieeb.2021.04.02

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