Estimation of measurement errors of navigation and landing parameters using pseudosatellites
Автор: Kazykin A.A., Musonov V.M.
Журнал: Siberian Aerospace Journal @vestnik-sibsau-en
Рубрика: Aviation and spacecraft engineering
Статья в выпуске: 4 vol.25, 2024 года.
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At the moment, a significant number of regional airfields do not have sufficient space for ground navigation equipment, this can lead to undesirable consequences when landing an aircraft with a weak visual contact of the crew with the runwaу. The pseudo-satellite system is able to improve flight safety at the landing stage in difficult meteorological conditions at regional airfields without using ILS (indicator on the windshield), after evaluating errors in navigation and landing parameters. The pseudo-satellite system can be used to improve flight safety at the landing stage in difficult meteorological conditions at regional airfields. This system consists of a control and correction station and pseudo satellites that operate in certain frequency ranges. When using this system, the PNP-72 scheduled navigation device is installed on the aircraft, which provides basic navigation information with a given accuracy. This allows pilots to use more accurate information and perform a safe approach and landing of the aircraft on the runway, even with weak visual contact with it. Thus, the use of a pseudo-satellite system at regional airfields can significantly improve flight safety at the landing stage, especially in difficult meteorological conditions when the use of ILS is impossible. The use of a pseudo-satellite system can also help solve the problem of an insufficient number of ground navigation aids at regional airfields. This will allow for a more accurate determination of the aircraft's location and improve the quality of navigation information provided to the crew. The use of pseudo-satellites could be an alternative to expensive and complex ILS systems, especially at small airfields where the installation of such systems may be impractical or not economically viable. However, for the successful implementation and operation of the pseudo-satellite system, additional research and testing is necessary to determine the optimal parameters of the system, as well as to develop appropriate regulatory documents and procedures to ensure flight safety.
Pseudo-satellites, flight safety, GPS satellites, remote airfields, GLONASS satellite navigation systems
Короткий адрес:
IDR: 148329758 | DOI: 10.31772/2712-8970-2024-25-4-454-463
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