The gospel concept in the novel of I. S. Turgenev “On the eve

Автор: Novikova-stroganova Alla A.

Журнал: Проблемы исторической поэтики @poetica-pro

Статья в выпуске: 2 т.15, 2017 года.

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Turgenev’s novel “On the Eve” (“Nakanune”) is studied in relation to the Holy Scripture, in interaction with new lyrical and semantic contexts against the broad background of Turgenev’s creative works, as a whole. In the inner plan of the novel the system of biblical allusions and reminiscences is revealed, and their artistic functions in the poetics of the literary work. Attention is drawn to unrenowned, at first glance, artistic details, motifs and images, that contributes to a deeper penetration into Turgenev’s text and subtext. Associative links, formed by the thickening of figurative-symbolic elements, allow us to turn to a new interpretation of the novel “On the Eve”, in the title of which the thematic and symbolic beginnings of the text are concentrated. The analysis of the paratextuality of “On the Eve” is conducted; it becomes clear how the artistic text interacts with its own name. The novel gives a new interpretation of the title of the novel in the Christian vein. Based on the analysis, the main conclusion that the general religious and philosophical orientation of the novel “On the Eve”, lyrical and symbolic images and generalizations, Christian allusions allow the possibility of combining an artistic text with the evangelical context, is rooted in the proof that it leads to boundless spiritual and semantic depths.


I. s. turgenev, novel "on the eve" ("nakanune"), meaning of the title, gospel, christian allusions

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IDR: 14749017   |   DOI: 10.15393/

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