Evolution of competition law in Serbia

Автор: Spasić Ivanka

Журнал: Pravo - teorija i praksa @pravni-fakultet

Рубрика: Original scientific work

Статья в выпуске: 9-10 vol.27, 2010 года.

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Discussing the evolution of competition law in Serbia we have primarily in mind a few basic questions of competition and a few competition acts. The basic questions of competition in Serbia are identical with the basic competition problems in EU and European countries, and they are focused on the acts threatening the competition (restrictive agreements, abuse of dominant position and making of concentrations-mergers) and the problems of functioning of the protection of competition. Concerning the acts, first of all we must mention the Antimonopoly law than the Law on protection of competition from 2005, and the law with the identical name from 2009. The Antimonopoly law is the 'early history' of Serbian competition law , but the Law on protection of competition from 2005 is very importance because it' s regulations established fundamental competition institutes in Serbia. The basic questions of competition (restrictive agreement, abuse of dominant position, and concentrations) are well done, and the mood of their regulation is good; just the contrary the mode of the protection had shown many difficulties. This difficulties are the main cause that the new act on protection of competition has been introduced (2009). The new Law on protection of competition regulate the 'protection part' much better than the former one. Commission for the protection of competition has now more rights and possibilities to perform the protection of the competition.


Competition law, law on protection of competition, Commission for the protection of competition, restrictive agreements, abuse of dominant position, mergers

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/170202647

IDR: 170202647

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