Original scientific work. Рубрика в журнале - Pravo - teorija i praksa

A legal basis for operation of security services in Republic of Serbia
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During the past twenty years there was executed a thorough reorganization of the whole security in Republic of Serbia. Many strategic documents and regulations have been adopted, which have, in a transparent way, organized the national security system. Security services, as parts of the system, play a very important role in preserving the vital values of the state and society as a whole. Their role in protection of national interests has been defined through the adoption of certain legal acts. This paper, apart from the historic perspective, analyses the legal acts of a special importance for the reform of the security-intelligence system in Republic of Serbia.

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In the center of the author's interest there is a sector of small and middle firms as a main pillar of the entrepreneurial sector of the world economy. The role and importance of small and middle firms are getting bigger and bigger on the territory of Vojvodina too. By developing this sector in a proper way, small and middle firms can become a generator of innovations and technical and technological development, of raising a level of competitiveness of the whole economy. Then, they can become an important factor of opening new working places and employment, of attracting direct foreign investments and establishing more uniform regional development. Of course, in making such a business environment, this sector meets numerous and complex problems which demand a careful analysis and adequate reaction.

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The authors consider the strategic directions of the development of higher education in Republic of Serbia, especially in the light of legislative news regulating dual education at higher education institutions. In this context, they have paid a special attention to the analysis of legal acts and by-laws important for the development of the professional identity of engineers educated under the dual model of education. They have also perceived the number and structure of accredited study programs at higher education institutions in our country, which represent significant indicators of the direction of the development of the domestic economy mapped through the interest of employers for the engineers educated according to the dual model. So, we can conclude that there is an obvious influence of the fourth industrial revolution and the information age on all aspects of the society. Starting from all those changes that are happening and will happen, the Government of Republic of Serbia adopted the Education Strategy for the period from 2021 to 2030, in which there are given the vision, goals, and principles of education in the future. Talking about the dual model of higher education, the most important act is the Law on the Dual Model of Studies in Higher Education being in the focus of the authors in this research.

Agenda ljudske bezbjednosti - idejna osnova i razvoj u okviru kanadske spoljne politike
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U skladu sa osnovama liberalnog internacionalizma politička moralna zajednica se može proširiti preko granica nacionalne države. Prisustvo moralne dimenzije je inherentno spoljnoj politici, pa tako i spoljnopolitičkoj agendi ljudske bezbjednosti. Pojam ljudske bezbjednosti uzima pojedinca i društvo u kome živi za referentni okvir za razliku od klasičnog pojma nacionalne bezbjednosti, čiji je referentni okvir država i njena teritorija. To je manje teorijski zasnovan pristup, a više politička praksa. U kanadskoj agendi ljudske bezbjednosti, koja je utemeljena u tradiciji kanadske spoljne politike, inkorporirane su ključne vrijednosti kanadskog društva, sa ciljem njihove projekcije na međunarodnu politiku. Ona je usmjerena je na sprečavanje i prevenciju nasilnih konflikata i tranziciju ka demokratiji i zasnovana na postulatima liberalne demokratije, u skladu sa političkom filozofijom liberalnog internacionalizma. Iako je kanadski pristup ljudskoj bezbjednosti afirmisan u međunarodnoj politici, učinci ove agende u praksi ne korespondiraju u potpunosti sa projektovanim ciljevima.

Aktuelizacija ekonomske diplomatije u procesu mondijalizacije i globalizacije
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Od posebnog interesa, u narednom tekstu, jeste ekonomska diplomatija (ta sintagma najčešće zamenjuje ostale) koja spaja dve bitne sfere društva: ekonomiju i politiku, odnosno diplomatiju. Ekonomska diplomatija uključuje politiku, diplomatiju, ekonomiju, biznis, menadžment, marketing, svetsko tržište, odnos s javnošću, informativnu delatnost i drugo. Svrha ekonomske diplomatije je baš ono što može da obezbedi poslovna diplomatija i diplomatska poslovnost a to je efikasan posao, efektna uspešnost i sigurnost profita, investicija i tržišta. S obzirom na to da svaki posao ima određenost, izvesnost i završenost, jasno je da su poslovna diplomatija i diplomatska poslovnost najvažniji oblici ekonomske diplomatije. Ovo je posebno slučaj u savremenim mondijalističkim i globalističkim procesima gde svaki posao ima svoju određenost, gde je njegov uspeh izvestan (nije nemoguć) i gde se započeti posao završava u određenom, okončanom vremenu trajanja. Početak 21. veka je obeležen opštim procesom mondijalizma i globalizacije. Mondijalizam je definisan u smislu objedinjavanja funkcija više država na širem svetskom planu po kome se država, koja se na to slobodno opredelila, ograničava u delu njenih samostalnih funkcija (UN, EU, G-8 i dr.). Globalizacija definisana u smislu regulisanja jedinstvenog svetskog tržišta kapitala, roba, rada i znanja koje se uspostavlja snagom objektivnih ekonomskih zakonitosti, koju države prihvataju svojim slobodnim opredeljenjem (STO, MMF, MOR i dr.). Ekonomskoj diplomatiji zato treba dati status i ulogu u političkom sistemu koji odgovara ulozi države u procesu mondijalizacije i globalizacije, dakle, samostalna uloga prema spolja, ne uloga koja je rezultat internih odnosa snaga države.

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Iregularna migracija predstavlja kretanje koje se odvija izvan regulatornih normi država porekla, tranzita i destinacija. Konvencija Ujedinjenih nacija protiv transnacionalnog organizovanog kriminala, zajedno sa protokolima, trgovinu ljudima i krijumčarenje migranata posmatra upravo sa gledišta iregularnih migracija rizikujući da zaštita prava žrtava trgovine i krijumčarenih migranata bude marginalizovana. Ipak, ovi instrumenti, sa pravnog aspekta, predstavljaju veliki podrstrek naporima koji se ulažu da bi se što bolje razumela ova dva fenomena, kao i u cilju pružanja podrške ljudima kojima se trguje ili krijumčari. Ova Konvencija predstavlja prvi univerzalni, pravno obavezujući instrument Ujedinjenih nacija u oblasti borbe protiv kriminala. Iako nam se čini, putem definicija dva protokola koji dopunjavaju Konvenciju, da su trgovina ljudima i krijumčarenje migranata na suprotnim krajevima dugog kontinuuma, realnost nije ni približno tako jednostavna. Ove dve kriminalne delatnosti se poklapaju u mnogim slučajevima što dodatno otežava pravilnu klasifikaciju vrste kriminaliteta pri identifikovanju žrtava. Dodatni problem predstavlja činjenica da niti jedan protokol ne sadrži uputstva za identifikaciju žrtava trgovine ljudima ili krijumčarenih migranata. Osim toga, nedostatak je što oba protokola zaštitu žrtava trgovine i krijumčarenih migranata posmatraju kao opciju, što opet ukazuje da su ove dve kriminalne delatnosti pitanja više vezana za kriminal i kontrolu granica negoli pitanje ljudskih prava usled čega nije neretko da i jedna i druga grupa žrtava bivaju krivično gonjena. Ipak, pozitivno je da postoje međunarodni pravni instrumenti poput ove Konvencije, kao i da je postignut dogovor oko usvojenih definicija protokola kojima se države mogu služiti u borbi protiv trgovine ljudima i krijumčarenja migranata kao rezultata iregularnih migracija. Ono na šta treba staviti naglasak u smislu dalje borbe jeste bavljenje uzrocima tih migracija u svrhu donošenja trajnog rešenja u pogledu iskorenjivanja trgovine ljudima i krijumčarenja migranata.

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Medijacija ili koncilacija predstavlja jedan savremen način rešavanja nastalih sporova među pravnim subjektima. To je jedan miran, posrednički način rešavanja sporova, koji odlikuje manji formalizam, veća efikasnost i kratak vremenski period donošenja odluke. Ne predstavlja zamenu za arbitražu već je jedan od modaliteta za rešavanje nastalih sporova. Sve više se ugovara među pravnim subjektima i dobija na popularnosti. Naročito je pogodan za rešavanje onih sporova koji sami po sebi nisu toliko teški i komplikovani, a zahtevaju efikasno i brzo rešavanje.

Bezbednost i zdravlje na radu i pravni izvori procene rizika
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U formalnom smislu izvori prava čine mnogobrojni propisi i oni se mogu klasifikovati po više kriterija, a najčešća podela je na: domaće izvore i međunarodne izvore prava. Bezbednost i zdravlje na radu, kao sistem zaštite zaposlenih a posebno procena rizika na radnom mestu uređuje se Zakonom o bezbednosti i zdravlju na radu, kao i nizom podzakonskih akata. Odredbama čl. 13 Zakona, utvrđena je obaveza svakog poslodavca da donese akt o proceni rizika u pismenoj formi za sva radna mesta, kao i da utvrdi način i mere za njihovo otklanjanje.

Bitne promene u zajedničkom sistemu PDV u Evropskoj Uniji
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Savet EU usvojio je Direktivu 2006/112/EZ kojom je ukinuo Direktivu 77/388/EEZ od 17. maja 1977. godine o harmonizaciji zakona država članica u vezi sa porezom na promet - zajedničkim sistemom poreza na dodatu vrednost: jedinstvene osnovice utvrđivanja (Šesta direktiva). Šesta direktiva je bila bezbroj puta menjana i iz razloga racionalizacije bilo je prihvatljivije rešenje da se ova direktiva ukine. Direktivom 2006/112/EC prečišćen je tekst ukinute i izvršene nove promene u objedinjene odredbe koje su predstavljene na jasan i racionalan način. Trebalo je pojasniti koncept 'oporezive transakcije', a termin 'poreski obveznik' definisan je na način da države članice mogu pod ovu kategoriju podvesti i lica koja povremeno obavljaju oporezive transakcije. Promet električne struje i gasa, bi trebalo oporezivati prema mestu sedišta potrošača, odnosno korisnika. Primena uobičajenih ili opštih pravila PDV za zlato stvarala je značajne smetnje u korišćenju zlata kao finansijskog instrumenta, što je potvrdilo uvođenje posebnog postupka za zlato imajući u vidu i jačanje međunarodne konkurentnosti tržišta zlata Zajednice.

Blockchain technology and money laundering
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In this paper, we want to break down certain prejudices against new blockchain technologies and cryptocurrencies, especially the Bitcoin, as instruments having mostly negative connotations and representing an opportunity for various criminal activities, including the cases of money laundering where money has been acquired in unethical and illegal ways. According to that aim, there were applied the methods of genetic, structural and functional analysis, the method of correlative variations, as well as the analogous and normative method. A significant part of the paper is dedicated to an introduction to DLT – (Distributed Ledger Technologies), i.e. a distributed book of records technologies, on which the blockchain and its most important exponent – the Bitcoin – rests. Also, we had to touch upon the second most important contribution to this technology, namely the Ethereum blockchain, which expands the perspectives opened by the Bitcoin, and thus the possibilities for misuse of this technology, primarily due to its constitutive principle of anonymity. In the paper, we have shown the fact that despite inadequate legislation, both nationally and globally, the blockchain and cryptocurrencies have not significantly supported the paths of illegal money laundering, especially not related to serious crimes, in particular drug trafficking and terrorism. We mostly see the contribution of this paper in the typologization of possible money laundering procedures, especially by using the NFT (Non-Fungible Tokens), non-exchangeable tokens whose hype, in last two years, might be the result of a perceived opportunity for a new way of money laundering. We conclude that we should not be afraid of the Bitcoin, but it should be accepted as an integral part of a peaceful and prosperous futurity for it opens new perspectives for humanity burdened with bigger problems than money laundering, which had existed to the same degree even before the appearance of the Bitcoin.

Borba protiv diskriminacije žena u savremenom svetu
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Položaj žene tokom celokupnog istorijskog razvoja bio je okarakterisan neravnopravnim položajem u odnosu na muškarca, kršenjem osnovnih ljudskih prava, nemogućnošću potpunog izražavanja sopstvenih sloboda i ugnjetavanjem unutar porodice tako i na širokom društvenom planu. Prošli su mnogi vekovi, koji su sobom donosili promene vlasničkih, političkih, socijalnih i društvenih odnosa. Ponekad se to izražavalo veoma burno i tragično kroz revolucije i ratove, nastajanje i krah društveno političkih sistema, uzlete i sumrak čovečanstva i ljudske ideje. Međutim, za svo to vreme položaj žena se veoma sporo menjao. Čini se da se istorija, kroz svu apsurdnost svojih događaja i onoga što je donosila ljudskom rodu, najgrublje poigrala sa pravima žena. Tek pre stotinak godina, u pojedinim evropskim državama, demokratskog pravnog uređenja, ženama su priznata osnovna politička, pa samim tim i ljudska prava, ostvarena preko uličnih borbi, zlostavljanja i sukoba sa predstavnicima tadašnje vlasti. Žene su još jednom u istoriji svog roda skupo platile svoje osnovno ljudsko pravo koje im pripada imanentno samim činom njihovog rođenja. Permanentnom borbom za svoja prava, žene i u savremenom svetu, potvrđuju svoj nejednak pravni, ekonomski, politički i socijalni položaj u odnosu na muškarca.

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However in the science, regulations and practice of working on the implementation of some of the achievements that are the universal values of civilization, and concerning the rights of sentenced persons, and have many problems of their gross violations. The situation in our country does not deviate from 'standard' in most European countries. It is not disputed the existence of a clear determination to be in this area fully implement the 'European' standards. Priorities for the improvement of the protection of the rights of persons deprived of their liberty and the prevention against torture in prisons, in the same document, which is the analysis of the basic themes of this paper, the normative framework of harmonization with European standards and the implementation of new legal solutions; Education of prison staff, reform of internal supervision of the Institute, support the establishment of new forms of independent control and cooperation with the patron of citizens and organizations for the protection of human rights; Troubleshooting overpopulation and improve the material conditions in prisons. Any change for the better requires financial allocations, and numerous social problems and are more vulnerable categories population number, and with the right question of what are the priorities. Since the obvious lack of funds, and the best reform is doomed to fall success in the best case.

Carinski postupak sa robom kojom se povređuju prava intelektualne svojine
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U radu se razmatra carinski postupak sa robom kojom se povređuju prava intelektualne svojine (krivotvorenom i piratskom robom). Autor ukazuje da su zbog toga što su krivotvorenje i piraterija dobile razmere epidemije sa štetnim posledicama po svetsku i nacionalnu privredu, na međunarodnom nivou i u okviru EU, usvojene mere za sprečavanje ovih negativnih pojava. U skladu sa odredbama Sporazuma o trgovinskim aspektima prava intelektualne svojine i regulativom EU, kao i nadležnostima Republika članica Državne zajednice SCG Republika Srbija je, u cilju sprečavanja uvoza i izvoza krivotvorene i piratske robe, odredbama Carinskog zakona propisala carinski postupak sa robom kojom se povređuju prava intelektualne svojine U tom smislu odredbe naših carinskih propisa u potpunosti su usaglašene sa međunarodnim i evropskim standardima u pogledu carinskog tretmana prava intelektualne svojine.

Centralna banka i finansijsko tržište
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Da bi se uspešno izvršila tranzicija jednog privrednog sistema neophodno je postojanje razvijenog sistema institucija koje bi bile kontrolisane od strane centralne banke, što se na primeru SCG ne može reći, što se javlja kao posledica nepostojanja domaćih snažnih banaka koje bi apsorbovale veću količinu novca od potrebne koja se pojavljuje u privrednom sistemu kao posledica velikih stranih direktnih investicija koje su veće od potrebnih, što za posledicu ima negativan uticaj na opšti nivo cena u stvari na inflaciju. Finansijska tržišta su posrednici na kojima se vrši vlasnička transformacija koja je jedan od osnovnih preduslova uspešnog procesa tranzicije. Nerazvijenost finansijskih instrumenata na tržištu SCG dovodi do nemogućnosti uspešnog rada finansijskih institucija a time i do onemogućavanja tranzicionog procesa putem finansijskog sistema koji je jedino ispravan i realno moguć.

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Economic crime is a constant and rather dynamic negative social phenomena which skillfully adapts to the social-economic and political situation in society. Fraud in the field of industry and production is a characteristic and a conspicuous form of economic crime in the legal doctrine. The motive behind committing fraud is typically personal gain, with perpetrators utilizing their positions in business or official authority within a state or public institution to obtain an illegal advantage in the form of money or goods. This paper, focusing on the subject, begins with defining the term and describing the characteristics and main classifications of economic crime. This part is followed by an in-depth analysis of a characteristic form of economic crime in legal theory, specifically fraud in the field of industry and production. Despite adequate legislation at both the European and national levels, current control systems in the field of industry and production may be perceived as insufficient to prevent fraud in a timely manner. Besides, the modalities of committing fraud in this sphere have continuously evolved and adapted to current business circumstances and the legal framework, which is why the perpetrators very often succeed in evading detection and sanctioning of the committed fraud. Considering the transnational nature of fraud in the field of industry and production, it has become evident that security procedures need to extend beyond national frameworks and include international measures.

ChatGPT – another step towards the digital era or a threat to fundamental rights and freedoms?
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Artificial Intelligence (AI) constitutes one of the most fundamental pillars for the implementation of the EU Digital Agenda. It corresponds to the tremendous ongoing technological evolution which is marked by the spread of the digitalization in both private and public sector. AI tools provide numerous services, such as faster decisionmaking, performance of multiple tasks and repetitive jobs on our behalf and diagnosis of risky situations. This paper puts a special emphasis on the ChatGPT which is considered the most illustrative representative of the current AI technology. Within a minimal time of its existence this innovative viral chatbot has started to dominate the world of AI. However, its use raises serious legal and ethical risks for our privacy and protection of fundamental rights and freedoms, born by the lack of a binding regulatory framework governing AI. Therefore, at first level, this study focuses on the legal regime which governs the use of ChatGPT, by interpreting the legal status, after giving a short demonstration of its function and services (Section I). Secondly, a critical approach will be pursued focusing on special issues regarding this new AI tool on the basis of its application in practice at the area of journalism (Section II). Following that intense analysis, the paper aims to lead to fruitful and original conclusions with the ultimate goal to enhance the establishment of a powerful, safe and trustful digital environment.

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As a necessary consequence of the strengthening of human rights, there appears the idea and movement of the existence of the child rights separated from the human rights. These are the rights which will pull out the child from the grip of the powers not only of the state, but also of the parents, and will allow the child to be viewed as a separate human being, with his/her own rights, his/her own identity, integrity and dignity. This idea will be spread so much by the end of the twentieth century that it will lead to significant phenomena and changes at the international level. Normative activity within the United Nations has never produced such a result as the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. An almost universally accepted legally binding document has, in an extremely short period of time, set fairly high uniform standards of children’s rights at the global level. We will see that the domestic legislator did not follow the tendencies of the international community to a sufficient extent, so it was only in 2019 he took certain political steps to correct the given situation, but without sincere desire or strong will enough to complete the procedure. In contrast to the universal level where the child rights de facto codified in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, at the national level they remain fragmented, with many gaps recognized by the domestic public authorities.

Ciljevi novog sistema finansiranja lokalne samouprave u Republici Srbiji
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Donošenjem Zakona o finansiranju lokalne samouprave 2006. god. u RS, izvršena su usklađivanja sa Evropskom poveljom o lokalnoj samoupravi i preporukama Komiteta ministara Saveta Evrope koja se odnose na finansiranje lokalne samouprave. Zakon je dobio i pozitivnu ocenu eksperata Saveta Evrope i Svetske banke. Na osnovu ocene o postojanju prevelikih razlika u visini raspoloživih sredstava između jedinica lokalne samouprave, glavni akcenat promene u novom sistemu finansiranja, koji je stupio na snagu 2007. godine, je upravo svođenje ovih razlika na prihvatljiviji nivo, kroz dizajniranje efikasnijeg sistema horizontalnog ujednačavanja. Pored navedenog cilja, zajedno sa svim drugim zainteresovanim učesnicima, koncipirani su i drugi ciljevi novog sistema finansiranja, koji se pre svega odnose na poboljšanje transparentnosti, stabilnosti i predvidljivosti sistema finansiranja, jačanje autonomije lokalne samouprave i institucionalizaciju saradnje između centralne i lokalnih vlasti. Kada je finansiranje lokalnih zajednica u Srbiji u pitanju, osnovno pitanje je kako na racionalan način obezbediti dovoljne prihode opštinama i gradovima za nadležnosti koje im pripadaju. A sve to da bi se potrebe građana zadovoljile u skladu sa mogućnostima koje im pruža lokalna zajednica i zemlja, a i da bi se izbeglo preterano zaduživanje lokalnih zajednica.

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One of the oldest human activities is the trade of goods, services, money and other property values both within a country and abroad. Foreign trade business has an exceptional importance for socio-economic relations between countries. Each state independently regulates the trade of goods and services. However, no state economy is self-sufficient, so its need to join the international markets is quite justified. Through a mutual trade cooperation, states transfer the effects of the concluded agreements beyond their borders, and the need for the unification of certain norms is absolutely necessary, as well as the regulation of the issue of a breach of contractual obligation and compensation for damages as a consequence resulting from such a thing. Some countries have a fear of ratifying the international rules, because they think that the accepted solutions would be contrary to their national legislation. There is mentioned only one of the reasons for the states resistance, as well as the difficulties in achieving the unique acceptable solution. This paper analyzes the concept, the importance of foreign trade business for countries, then the rights and obligations of the contracting parties and the compensation for damage due to a breach of a contractual obligation by non-performance in the sales contract.

Computer related crime: The decision of the Council of Europe
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The significance of information and communication technologies has created the need to establish worldwide measures and mechanisms for the protection of both the society and individual against abuses in this area, through adopting appropriate legislative solutions and improving the international cooperation. The result of these efforts, among other things, is the adoption of the Council of Europe Convention on Cyber crime, which has, in the opinion of the international community, established minimum standards that are necessary to meet the national legislation in order to effectively combat the abuse of high technology.