European association for library and information education and research (EUCLID): case study of establishing a regional association

Автор: Likhovid T.F.

Журнал: Культура: теория и практика @theoryofculture

Рубрика: Изучаем зарубежный опыт

Статья в выпуске: 2 (35), 2020 года.

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The article describes the formation, objectives and major lines of activity of EUCLID - European Association for Library and Information Education and Research. The author reviews the experience of a range of national library associations concerning professional education. IFLA documents connected with the improvement of library information education are indicated.

Европейская ассоциация по библиотечно-информационному образованию и исследованиям (euclid), привилегированный институт библиотечных и информационных работников - (chartered institute of library and information professionals - cilip). российская библиотечная ассоциация. ифла, library and information education, european association for library and information education and research (euclid), chartered institute of library and information professionals (cilip), russian library association, ifla


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IDR: 144161484

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