Exploring Holistic Well-Being: EDA and a Comparative ML Approach to Work-Life Balance

Автор: Bala Dhandayuthapani V.

Журнал: International Journal of Modern Education and Computer Science @ijmecs

Статья в выпуске: 6 vol.16, 2024 года.

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This research focuses on lifestyle and work-life balance, examining how different dynamics can influence holistic wellbeing, which focuses on the current literature to develop a framework that extends beyond standard well-being concepts. The work aims to enrich the discourse on holistic well-being by synthesizing existing knowledge and exploring new knowledge, providing valuable views for individuals and age groups involved in professionals striving to develop a more balanced and meaningful life. The study utilizes AI-driven methods and machine learning algorithms to analyse work-life indices to understand patterns and correlations that contribute or hinder work-life harmony. The findings highlight the importance of lifestyle choices, social connections, and personal fulfilment in achieving holistic wellness. The research provides evidence-based insights and practical recommendations to develop a healthy lifestyle and work-life balance. The study also examines the ethical implications of AI and highlights the need for a comprehensive approach to work-life balance. The study utilizes supervised learning algorithms and a comparative analysis of the accuracy scores of various algorithms, revealing significant differences in classification and more accuracy for the work-life balance score. The study aims to uncover insights beyond the typical contrasts and illuminate the interrelationship between numerous factors affecting an individual's well-being.


Exploratory Data Analysis, Holistic Well-being, Supervised Learning, Work-life balance, Work-life Harmony

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/15019606

IDR: 15019606   |   DOI: 10.5815/ijmecs.2024.06.01

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