Facial Expression Recognition Based on Features Derived From the Distinct LBP and GLCM

Автор: Gorti Satyanarayana Murty, J Sasi Kiran, V.Vijaya Kumar

Журнал: International Journal of Image, Graphics and Signal Processing(IJIGSP) @ijigsp

Статья в выпуске: 2 vol.6, 2014 года.

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Automatic recognition of facial expressions can be an important component of natural human-machine interfaces; it may also be used in behavioural science and in clinical practice. Although humans recognise facial expressions virtually without effort or delay, reliable expression recognition by machine is still a challenge. This paper, presents recognition of facial expression by integrating the features derived from Grey Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM) with a new structural approach derived from distinct LBP’s (DLBP) ona 3 x 3 First order Compressed Image (FCI). The proposed method precisely recognizes the 7 categories of expressions i.e.: neutral, happiness, sadness, surprise, anger, disgust and fear. The proposed method contains three phases. In the first phase each 5 x 5 sub image is compressed into a 3 x 3 sub image. The second phase derives two distinct LBP’s (DLBP) using the Triangular patterns between the upper and lower parts of the 3 x 3 sub image. In the third phase GLCM is constructed based on the DLBP’s and feature parameters are evaluated for precise facial expression recognition. The derived DLBP is effective because it integrated with GLCM and provides better classification performance. The proposed method overcomes the disadvantages of statistical and formal LBP methods in estimating the facial expressions. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method on facial expression recognition.


Distinct LBP, First Ordered Compressed Image, Statistical, Structural approaches, Triangular pattern

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/15013221

IDR: 15013221

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