Factors forming the foundations for self-preservation behavior of the population

Автор: Lokosov V.V., Yarasheva A.V., Aleksandrova O.A.

Журнал: Народонаселение @narodonaselenie

Рубрика: Здоровье населения и проблемы здравоохранения

Статья в выпуске: 1 т.27, 2024 года.

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The article examines the key determinants of self-preservation behavior of the population. The methods used are: analysis of official statistics regarding Russians’ commitment to a healthy lifestyle (HLS) and its various components, broken down by federal districts and age and gender groups; secondary analysis of sociological studies on the implementation of healthy lifestyle principles by specialists related to medicine (medical workers, teachers of medical universities), including in comparison with representatives of non-medical professions; in addition, the data of a mass survey of metropolitan physicians conducted with the participation of the authors was analyzed, aimed at identifying, firstly, their own commitment to a healthy lifestyle and obstacles to its implementation; secondly, ideas about the subjects who bear the main responsibility for the formation of a healthy lifestyle of the population, as well as what prevents people from following its principles. The authors’ classification of objective and subjective factors of self-preservation behavior of the population is presented, and their interrelation is illustrated. According to Moscow doctors, the key determinants of self-preservation behavior are the person’s awareness of responsibility for his own health, the availability of medical services and trust in the healthcare system; income level, healthy lifestyle fashion and the situation in the country are of less importance. Judging by the results of the secondary analysis and our own empirical data, the situation with the adherence to a healthy lifestyle by medical workers themselves is ambiguous. On the one hand, a significant part declares their orientation towards a healthy lifestyle, and on the other hand, like the population as a whole, doctors show lack of consistency and complexity in compliance with its principles. The main barriers to implementing a healthy lifestyle are insufficient self-discipline, lack of energy and time. As to those responsible for developing the population’s adherence to a healthy lifestyle, about 90% of Moscow doctors called people themselves responsible for it, another quarter - the state, and only every tenth indicated the role of healthcare workers.


Self-preservation behavior, healthy lifestyle, objective and subjective factors of self-preservation behavior, medical employees

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/143182270

IDR: 143182270   |   DOI: 10.24412/1561-7785-2024-1-192-205

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