Factors influencing a uniform distribution of seeds of fiber flax depth filler with two-keeled when sowing coulters

Автор: Shevchenko A.P., Begunov M.A., Koval V.S., Mazurov V.V.

Журнал: Вестник Красноярского государственного аграрного университета @vestnik-kgau

Рубрика: Технические науки

Статья в выпуске: 3, 2016 года.

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Ensuring uniform seal of seeds of fiber flax on the depth no more than 3 cm is the important factor influencing shoots density. The practice showed that the existing plough share of seeders for fiber flax crops does not fully meet requirements on seals of seeds of the set depth that in turn leads to decreasing crop and its quality. Taking into account all mentioned above the two-lower case keeled plough share which most fully meets the modern agrotechnical requirements at crops of fiber flax of the demanded depth was developed. As a result of theoretical researches of a two-lower case keeled plough share it was found out that the set of geo-metrical and kinematic parameters of plough share had impact on uniformity of distribution of seeds on the depth of seal. The article is devoted to the re-search of process of crops of seeds of fiber flax a two-lower case keeled plough share with applica-tion of the eliminating experiment. The purpose of the article was the identification of factors having the most significant impact on uniformity of distribu-tion of seeds on seal depth a two-lower case keeled plough share. Research problems were to conduct laboratory researches; on the basis of the made experiment according to Plakett-Berman's plan with a matrix of a special design to receive numerical values of coefficients of regression; to define the importance of coefficients of regression and factors having the most significant impact on uniformity of distribution of seeds on seal depth a two-lower case keeled plough share. At the re-search of depth of seal of seeds the technique of layer-by-layer removal of the soil with coloring of seeds in a contrast color was applied. As a result of the carried-out work the design and technological data of a two-lower case keeled plough share which most significantly influence the size of uni-formity of distribution of seeds of fiber flax on seal depth were revealed: the angle of attack of a plough share - α, the radius of a sock of a plough share r, the speed of the movement of the unit Vagr and depth of crops h.


Keeled plough share, uni-formity of seed fiber flax distribution in depth, crop

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/14084634

IDR: 14084634

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