Features of modeling the electron beam distribution energy for the electron-beam welding process
Автор: S. O. Kurashkin, Yu. N. Seregin, A. V. Murygin, V. E. Petrenko
Журнал: Siberian Aerospace Journal @vestnik-sibsau-en
Рубрика: Technological processes and material science
Статья в выпуске: 2 vol.21, 2020 года.
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The energy distribution of the electron beam by means of application of various scanning paths, affects for-mation of the weld, which relates to the quality of the welded joints. Experimental studies, conducted by the au-thors of the article showed that scanning the electron beam in the form of a raster shape gives the best quality of welded joints; therefore, the trajectories of a classical raster and a truncated raster are proposed for the elec-tron beam welding process. When conducting research in this direction, the authors discovered the following regularity: with an increase in the scanning amplitude along the junction, the vapour-gas penetration channel transforms into a stable cavity, along the front wall of which the metal melts, and along the side walls it is trans-ferred to the tail of the weld pool. The discovered effect of the formation of a penetration cavity is to be investigated in electron beam welding of various materials and thicknesses. For this the necessary equipment is to be created, allowing to make scan-ning in the form of various rasters. To improve the quality of the electron beam welding process, trajectories of a classical raster and a truncated raster across the joint are proposed. For these scanning trajectories, analytical expressions and families of calculated characteristics of the electron beam energy density distribution over the heating spot are obtained. Modulation of the electron beam oscillation in the form of a truncated raster across the junction makes it possible to obtain a two-humped distribution of the beam energy on the surface of the part along the heating spot. The obtained characteristics allow a more meaningful approach to optimizing the pro-cess of electron beam welding of various materials.
Electron-beam welding, modelling, technological parameters, electron beam, optimisation, normal distribution law.
Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/148321745
IDR: 148321745 | DOI: 10.31772/2587-6066-2020-21-2-266-273
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