Особенности проведения спортивных и общественных мероприятий в России: современное состояние и актуальные проблемы

Автор: Зобова Ольга Анатольевна, Гладких Ольга Владимировна, Борлюк Ирина Анатольевна, Васильева Людмила Михайловна, Ишмуратова Анна Маратовна

Журнал: Bulletin Social-Economic and Humanitarian Research @bulletensocial

Статья в выпуске: 3 (5), 2019 года.

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В статье рассматриваются особенности спортивных и общественных мероприятий в России. Показано, что результативное спортивное и нравственное воспитание может быть осуществлено в ходе массовых культурно-оздоровительных юношеских мероприятий, широко популярных в последние годы в нашем государстве и в мировом сообществе.Однако организационная и технологическая составляющая управления развития структуры подобных мероприятий не стала предметом особого изучения ученых и специалистов. Между тем, отсутствие таких технических разработок серьезно замедляет разработку новейших подходов к организации крупных молодежных состязаний. Это определяет злободневность глубокого анализа нынешнего состояния и разработки гуманистических принципов для управления и организации такими мероприятиями.


Физическое воспитание, общество, страна, патриотизм, люди

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/14114698

IDR: 14114698   |   DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3491001

Текст научной статьи Особенности проведения спортивных и общественных мероприятий в России: современное состояние и актуальные проблемы


Sport is able to contribute to the preservation and strengthening of health, physical improvement, the formation of a healthy lifestyle. Knowledge, skills, interests, needs, value orientations, acquired as a result of sports activities pass into a motivated, individual and self-regulatory process, thereby forming physical culture, health culture, healthy lifestyle.

An important role is played by sports, including sports competitions, in the formation of various mental qualities and abilities of students, their mental culture as a whole, since sports activity places high demands on the manifestation of emotional-volitional qualities and on self-regulation. The solution to this problem is especially relevant for students. Students represent a category of the population with increased risk factors, which include nervous and mental stress, a sedentary lifestyle, constant violations of the diet, work and rest, psychological uncertainty and social uncertainty in future employment, etc. Accumulating during the school year and all studies at the university, these factors have a negative impact on the physical, mental and spiritual-moral state of health of students. Their sports activity can counteract this and contribute to the preparation for labor, professional activity, to ensure full participation in various areas of public life.


The theoretical and methodological basis of the study consisted of the laws and principles of youthful sport and physical education of the younger generation, the achievements of pedagogy and sociology of sport. In the process of research, such methods were used as: analysis and generalization of scientific, methodological and specialized literature, pedagogical observations, surveys of competitive activity, pedagogical experiment, methods of mathematical statistics. The significance of the study lies in the concretization and correction of such important sections of the theory of college sports as the organization of mass sports competitions of students and the socio-pedagogical significance of these competitions, taking into account various (both traditional and innovative) forms of their organization. Some aspects of this theoretical concept were developed earlier as part of the general theory of sports and sports competitions. They are specified by the authors in relation to the theoretical concept of mass sports competitions of students.


Student sports, as well as student sports in general, can play an important role in realizing the goals and objectives of state policy in this system: the education of an educated, healthy, physically prepared, creatively gifted, harmoniously developed person who is able to work and live in modern civilization , taking an active citizenship and emphasizing moral values in relation to other people and to themselves. The basis for such a conclusion is not only the huge socio-pedagogical potential of playing sports, but also the characteristics of students as a social group.

Monitoring of the existing system of mass sports student competitions revealed the presence of significant problems regarding their impact on the personality, behavior and attitude of students.

First, as a rule, only a small part of students engage in active sports. Many students do not want to play sports because of the fear of losing and the negative consequences associated with this, and those who regularly participate in them are often only formal students.

Secondly, in the ongoing mass sports competitions, students are not fully aware of the positive potential of sports activities. The role of these competitions in the development of students' moral, aesthetic and creative abilities is especially small.

Thirdly, students participating in sports competitions are usually characterized by such strong motivation for high sports achievements, a victory that they strive to achieve this at all costs - even because of health and violation of moral principles.

Among the basic principles and directions of increasing the socio-pedagogical significance of mass sports competitions of students, the following can be distinguished:

Creating conditions for participating in competitions and preparing for them not only physically developed, athletically gifted, but also practically all students, including people with poor health and disabled people, the formation of students' humanistic attitude to both sporting events and to sport in general; Recognizing the importance of enlightening and educational activities for this task, one should not exaggerate its role and significance; First of all, one should look for ways to improve the organization of sports competitions. The method of organizing game rivalry and cooperation used in these competitions has a particularly significant impact on the personality, behavior and social relations of athletes and coaches.

Experts from different countries proposed a number of approaches to the modification of the traditional way of organizing mass sports competitions, which should be used to improve the existing system of organization of student competitions.

An effective new form of organizing mass sports student competitions is the model developed by the authors, the main features of which are the following. an innovative approach to the program and a system for determining winners; Competitions are held not between national teams, but between "team groups" (such a team includes all students of the study group, regardless of the level of physical fitness and sportsmanship); competitions are single-stage, without preliminary selection.

One of the modern innovative forms of sports and humanistic education of children and youth, aimed at forming their knowledge of those humanistic ideals and values that can be realized in sports, are massive international cultural and sports events in the form of festivals, competitions, youth games, such as those held in Moscow in 1998 - the first in the history of the international sports and Olympic movement large-scale complex competitions for children and youth .

The regular holding of the World Youth Games, once every 4 years, will expand the capabilities of the international cultural and sports movement, and will also help to check the reserves of national teams.


The experience of organizing and conducting a number of domestic and international mass sports and cultural events of youth has allowed the formation of management structures for the preparation of the World Youth Games, which ensured the effective functioning of groups of specialists in all necessary areas organizational activities: planning, preparing and conducting sports, cultural and scientific events, material and technical, financial and economic support, accommodation of participants and guests of the games, their safety, medical and information support, as well as a number of other events.

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