Bulletin Social-Economic and Humanitarian Research
Научный сетевой журнал "Бюллетень социально-экономических и гуманитарных исследований" публикует статьи о взаимоотношениях различных государственных структур и общества. Редакционная коллегия определяет порядок публикации статей. Журнал издается с 5 февраля 2018 года.
Журнал издаётся при поддержке Автономной некоммерческой организации "Научно-исторический центр "Мировая история"
Основным направлением деятельности журнала является публикация инновационных статей, открывающих новые перспективы и горизонты в освещении социально-гуманитарных проблем истории и современности. По сравнению с другими подобными изданиями, журнал публикует статьи в новых научных областях: "Институциональная история“, в том числе, ”История института Православной Церкви“, ”Институциональная экономика“, в том числе, ”Экономика института рынка труда" и другие новейшие направления научных исследований. Журнал специализируется на продвижении междисциплинарного сотрудничества и публикует статьи в которых используются методологические концепции из таких областей, как: "историческая антропология", "археология", "история искусства", "история науки и техники", "колониальные и постколониальные исследования", "гендерные исследования", "праксиология", в том числе "общая теория межчеловеческих взаимодействий", "физкультурно-оздоровительная деятельность в системе воспитания молодёжи" и "всемирная история".
Миссией журнала является выявление и пропагандирование инновационных подходов к решению важнейших проблем истории и современности, знакомство мирового научного сообщества и широкой общественности с новейшими достижениями исторической, философской и социально-гуманитарной мысли.
Цель журнала - формирование нового, отвечающего требованиям современной науки, взгляда на российскую и мировую историю, логику развития и особенности функционирования общества и человека, углубление и уточнение понимания всей предметной области социально-гуманитарного знания.
Издательство: Автономная некоммерческая организация "Научно-исторический центр "Мировая история".
Выпуски журнала
Статьи журнала

Social Policy of State in Modern Russia
Статья научная
This article primarily addresses the issue of state social policy. Social policy plays a huge role in the domestic policy of any state, since problems arising in the social sphere are directly related to the development of the economic and political life of the country, and therefore are a kind of indicator of the development of society.The study of social policy issues has long been in the spotlight. Social policy, being one of the most important components of state activity, should not only mitigate negative social phenomena, but also help the population adapt to new conditions, promote social support for reforms, implement positive changes in the economy, ensure social orientation of the population.For modern Russia, this issue today is particularly relevant due to the need to form a new model of social policy. At present, first of all, it is necessary to find a solution regarding the role of the state in the new social policy, its functions and interaction with public institutions.

Статья научная
В статье анализируется репрезентация практики пешего паломничества в современном публичном дискурсе. Объектом изучения стали публикации, раскрывающие персональный опыт крестного хода слабовоцерковленных верующих к Великорецкому сакральному месту (Кировская область). Паломнический нарратив рассматривается как практика, отражающая процесс конструирования религиозной идентичности. Делается вывод о том, что целью паломнического нарратива является религиозная самоидентификация на основе рефлексии «опыта сакрального».

Interaction of the Orthodox Church and the State in Russia at the Present Stage
Статья научная
The article examines the relationship of church and secular authorities at the present stage in the Russian state. It is shown that, after decades of forced isolation, the Russian Orthodox Church is gradually beginning to take the most energetic part in the moral development of Russian society. Particular attention is paid to the doctrine of the Russian Church, which identifies important principles of spiritual regeneration, which will guide the Church in its relations with government institutions in the future.The scientific problem resolved in the article reveals the need for a historical analysis of the relationship between the Church and society. This helps to determine the meaning and place of the Orthodox Church in the existing moral and social environment, as well as to determine the objective status of the state in the world system in accordance with the principles of the Orthodox faith.

Ambivalence Human Nature and Social Justice
Статья научная
Human nature is said to be ambivalent. We have clashing reactions, convictions, emotions towards something or somebody. We cherish and dislike, we acknowledge and dissect, we blow hot and cool at the same time and so on. We are comprised of inverse contradictory characteristics. This affect the way we relate with others and environment.The problem of social justice can be seen to emanate from the above. It is due to this problem that government institutions was set up in place to checkmate this excesses. This paper is thusly an endeavor to scrutinize the problem of ambivalent human nature in the light of social justice. The paper contends that for us to ensure social justice, it is important that we rise beyond our ambivalent human nature. This can only be done if we attempt to know ourselves as Socrates had advised and also allow the limitation of our being be the source of our joy.

Статья научная
The present article is focused on the use of modern mobile interactive technologies in teaching and learning English in non-language universities. It considers the features of using mobile applications at English classes, presents a list of mobile technologies, used in the process of study, and assesses their scientific, methodological and didactic potential. In our study, we substantiate the necessity for wider use of mobile applications for training various language skills and improving the trainees command of English.The paper contains the review of definitions, characterizing mobile language education and reflecting the viewpoints of prominent scholars on the problem of mobile learning. The main goals of mobile learning are outlined, along with the benefits of mobile applications as a tool of language education. The article also gives practical recommendations for students on how to employ mobile applications and programs in their practical study of English.

Foreign Policy of the USSR in 1960-1970
Статья научная
This article deals with the Soviet foreign policy 60-70 of the last century, which solved the main problem of that period - reducing the confrontation between East and West. The foreign policy of the USSR in those years was aimed at achieving three main goals: to strengthen its influence in the socialist community, to unite the world system of socialism, to prevent the fall of any country from it; to improve relations with the developed countries of the West, especially with the United States, Germany, France, to ensure peaceful coexistence with them; to expand its sphere of influence in the "third world", to intensify military-technical and economic cooperation with developing countries.This article will show us the role of the events that took place in that period, and to determine the advantages and disadvantages of the policy, to analyze the influence of the ideology of communism on the formation of the foreign policy of the USSRIn the preparation of the article specific historical, formational and social methods of research were used, which allowed to reveal facts, phenomena and processes in the relationship and unity of the past, present and future.