Features of teaching computer science in modern school

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The article is devoted to the features of teaching computer science in the modern school. New learning technologies do not discard the presentation of information to students. Just changing the role of information. It is necessary not so much for memorization and assimilation, but for students to use it as conditions or an environment for creating their own creative product. The teacher here acts as a gardener, creating a breeding ground for the growth of the creative beginning of the child's personality and his educational results.

Didactics, forms of training, teaching, methods, training, illustration. demonstration

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/140274648

IDR: 140274648

Список литературы Features of teaching computer science in modern school

  • Verbitsky A.A. The concept of sign-contextual education in high school // Questions of psychology. 1987. N 5.
  • Ivanov M. "Ways of Improving Teaching Methods in School" // Modern Higher School. 1982. N 3.
  • Computer science. Textbook. Grades 7-9 / Ed. prof. N.V.Makarova.- Spb.: Peter, 2002.
  • Uvarov A. Informatics at school: yesterday, today, tomorrow // Informatics and Education, 1990, №4.
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