The phenomenon of fear in the context of the dynamic campaign of the Fenians 1881-1885

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This paper analyses the reaction of the British press to the activities of Irish nationalists, known as Fenians, in the context of the ‘dynamite campaign’ of 1881-1885. The author explores how various publications - from the news-based Illustrated London News and The Spectator to the satirical Punch and Fun - covered the terrorist acts of the Fenians, presenting them as a threat to British society. The article traces the relationship between the social and political environment in Ireland and the increase in violence. Particular attention is paid to the changes in public opinion, the increased anxiety among the British and how the press interpreted the new challenges of the era related to the use of dynamite as a weapon.


Press, ireland, uk, irish question, cartoon, satire, magazine, image of the ‘other’, terrorism

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IDR: 170207465   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-10-1-35-39

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