Phenomenology of erroneous actions: psychoanalytic and cognitive approaches

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The article deals with the psychoanalytic and cognitive approaches to the study of phenomenology of erroneous actions. It is shown that psychoanalysts paid attention to erroneous actions as a specific subject of the scientific analysis for the first time. In particular, Z.Freud regarded the erroneous actions as the effects caused by the latent, unconscious determinants. The cognitive approach is fundamentally different from psychoanalytic ideology. However, cognitive psychologists explain the problem of erroneous actions similarly. In other words, the cognitive psychologists allow the presence of unconscious cognitive mechanism, which is responsible for committing erroneous actions. With that, they are focused on the search for the cognitive implication of the phenomenon of awareness. In this regard, the problem of erroneous actions gets absolutely other sense.


Psychoanalytic and cognitive approaches, erroneous actions, consciousness, unconscious, awareness

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IDR: 148101297

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