Philosophy of law: legal positions

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The study of the relationship between legal philosophy and general theory of law is connected with the fact that the purpose of certain philosophical trends is just to become a sort of "bridge", or some benchmarks for theoretical sciences of all branches of knowledge (from economic and mathematical theories to the theory of law). The appearance of such disciplines as philosophy of economy, philosophy of medicine, philosophy of law, and many others is related to the fact that economy, medicine, law have formed the need to gain philosophical knowledge. Insofar as philosophy develops fundamental problems of ontology, epistemology, axiology, anthropology, logic, ethics, praxeology, consciousness, the object of study of legal philosophy must be really existing and independently developing fundamental issues of ontology of law, epistemology of law, axiology of law, legal anthropology, logic of law, law ethics, praxeology law, legal consciousness


Philosophy, philosophy of law, ontology of law, epistemology of law, axiology of law, anthropology of law, logic of law, law ethics, praxeology law, legal consciousness, legal culture, legal reality

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IDR: 142233791

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