Philosophy of the Russian eros as a social and cultural phenomenon
Автор: Brylina I.V.
Журнал: Восточный вектор: история, общество, государство @eurasia-world
Статья в выпуске: 3, 2014 года.
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The article considers the main stages of research issues of gender and love and the formation of philosophy o f the Russian Eros. The attention is paid to the fact that the Russian culture since ancient times adopted the 65 Евразийство и мир 3/2014 Christian doctrine of love and heart. This doctrine was especially embodied in the works of G.S. Skovoroda, who considered love as an eternal union between God and a human being. And it covers microcosm, macrocosm and the world of biblical symbolism. The philosopher considers the earthly love through a prism o f universal love, which he raises to a principle o f the universe and life origin. His main ideas were developed by Slavophiles. Further on it is shown that in the late 19 - early 20th centuries a phenomenon o f the Russian Eros originated and developed in three different concepts, which are conventionally designated as: turned to the past «father love» by N.F. Fedorov, aimed at the future «absolute love» by V.S. Solovyov and aimed to the present of humanity «parental love» by V.V. Rozanov. In the Russian tradition Eros is understood widely and multivalued as a path to freedom and creativity, renewal and moral improvement of personality, a search for spirituality and a new unity, which is largely lost in Russia.
Philosophy of gender and love, philosophical anthropology, phenomenon of the russian eros
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