Philosophical aspect of the normative theory of culture, thesis

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In the article, the main provisions of the Normative Theory of Culture are set out in a philosophical and philosophical perspective of understanding, which provides a higher level of generalization of the material studied, rather than the socio-functional level on which this theory was created and presented. Culture as a program of human behavior and consciousness, providing a collective way of life and people’s activities. Culture as an expression of loyalty and as the normalized lack of freedom of a person. And freedom is a socially satisfying balance between collective and individual principles in culture. Culture as a symbolic text and social context of human life. Culture as an ideology and the problem of its interpretation. Culture reflects the laws of social Being and is a form of human identity. Culture is the “face” of history and a discussion of its meaning. Culture develops in history and reflects all its features. The socio-regulatory effectiveness of culture is embodied in its normality. Culture derives its origin from the sociality of animals, developing along a chain: herd instinct - generic custom - rational behavior. Culture is the stage of the evolution of living matter. The future of mankind in culture and its rational construction.


Culture, history, society, man, ideology, interpretation, evolution

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IDR: 144160730

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