Financial literacy of people as a means of providing financial security in the rule of law state

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Threats to financial security of a state appear in connection with a low level of financial literacy of people. The article views the institute of financial literacy of people as a means of financial security in a rule-of-law state. It shows the connection between the rise of the level of financial literacy of people and provision of a state's financial security and realization of values of a rule-of-law state in practice. It gives grounds to the necessity of legal regulation of the mechanism of financial literacy of people. The article states that the values of a rule-of-law state and liberalism are the same. It shows that the activity, aimed at increasing financial literacy of people, and the process of building a state financial system, secured from inner and outer threats, helps to implement democratic procedures in the state, observe rights and freedoms of people and citizens, the supremacy of law, performance of obligations towards people in the sphere of social welfare by the authorities and local government bodies.


Financial literacy of people, financial security of a state, provision of financial security of a state, means of provision of financial security

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