Financial risk and structured scenario analyses what-if method (SWIFT)

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The article considers the assessment of financial risk by the method of structured scenario analysis by the method “what if” (SWIFT). The author reveals the essence of the SWIFT method, the area and stages of its application, advantages and disadvantages of this method, the process of its implementation. It is concluded that one of the most universal and easy-touse methods of risk assessment is the SWIFT method (or “what if” method), which gives the opportunity to comprehensively assess the situation, identify scenarios and determine the means of risk management at an early stage. This method has many advantages over others, the most important of which is that it can be applied to any element and in any area.


Метод swift

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14129549   |   DOI: 10.47629/2074-9201_2024_1_73_77

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